Secret life of an american male teenager?

Chapter 1.

"Damn, I'm not ready to get up. Not ready for school." said Oliver. As you can tell, Oliver wasn't ready to start school back this morning. He had been partying all night, disobeying his sister, Melody. Melody had been watching Oliver for the past few months because their dad, Carson, has been on tour with his band. "OLIVER WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!" yelled Melody. "OLIVER!!!!!!! I WILL DRAG YOU OUT OF BED!" "BITCH SHUT UP! I'M TIRED OF YOU NOT TREATING ME RIGHT! I'M 15 YEARS OLD FOR GOD'S SAKES!" The two continued to agrue until the bus came to pick them both up for school. Oliver slipped on some clothes and grabbed his bookbag.

As he arrived at school, he was very nervous. Oliver, being a freshman, has no idea about high school except from what his sister has told him. He was very worried about what might would happen today and what people would think about him. The bell rang, and he headed to his first class. "Hey freak!" exclaimed Brad, the junior starting quarter-back for the football team. "Come here, I wanna talk to you a sec." "Um... what's up?" Oliver asked. SLAM! Brad had shoved Oliver against the locker. "You better watch yourself in high school, pussy. I'm warning you. If i ever catch you breaking any of my rules, the whole team will beat your ass." "Man get the hell off of me!" Brad let him loose, and Oliver continued his way to first period.

As the day went on, Oliver thought more and more about why he has been picked on everyday of his life since junior high. He figured "Maybe its because i quit football in 7th grade. Maybe i'll go to practice today and join the team. Dad would be proud i guess and Mel wouldn't yell at me and everyone will stop picking on me.", and it sounded like a winner to him. So that day he went to football practice after school.

As Oliver walked up to the practice field, he heard wistles blow. Brad walked up. "Well if it isn't the little punk we all hate?" Oliver walked right past him to the coach of the team, Coach Stevens. "Well Burgess, what do you want?" the coach asked. "I wanna join the team. I want to play quarter-back." "Son I think your looking for the Junior Varsity coach." "No! I want to play Varsity!" Oliver finally convinced Coach Stevens to allow him to practice for a few days.