Secret life of an american male teenager?

Chapter 2

"Burgess! Come on! Let's see what you've got!" yelled Coach Stevens. "Hut!" Oliver backed up in the pocket, drew back to throw, and the next thing he knew he was laying on the ground unable to move. The crowd was stunned. Oliver, 2 weeks into being starting quarterback had been injured. The medical cart came onto the field and the paramedics put him on the cart and carried him off to the locker room.

Once they got Oliver to the emergency room, the doctors saw his condition. They took him right in. "Mr. Burgess, you have a torn ACL. You won't be able to play football for the rest of the season." "WHAT!?" Oliver exclaimed. "You can't play football until next season, son." said a voice from behind. Oliver turned around. It was his dad, Carson, and beside him was Melody. "Oliver, why did you play football?" asked Carson. "Becasue I wanted to show up Brad, that freaking jerk." "Well Oli, revenge isn't always the answer and look where it got you. In a hospital bed with a torn ACL. How about you just forget about football?" "Dad, don't make him give up football, please." begged Melody. "Mel, I'm not making him give up anything. You have the wrong idea." "Dad." said Oliver. "What is it son?" "I wanna go on tour with you guys if i start a band. I've been working on my vocals a lot. And my friends are in a band without a vocalist, so I was going to try out." "Hell yes! You sure can! I've dreamed about having a father-son tour ever since your mother was pregnant with you." "Um, I'm sorry to inturpt family time, but Oliver has to have emergency surgery now if you want him to be able to go on tour."

The surgery was a success and Oliver was up and walking fine in no time. Oliver returned to school and he talked to his friends about joining their band. They said yes without hesitating. "Oli, it's great to have you man. Can't wait till practice this afternoon to see what you've got in that body of yours. You do scream right?" "Yeah that and sing. I've been working my ass off towards this. And..." The conversation was stopped short when Oliver took one peak at the new girl that came to school that day. Oliver walked up to her. "Hi yah! I'm Oliver, but my friends call me Oli. Whats your name?" She blushed while she answered. "I'm Chelsea. I just started school here today. I came from florida." Oliver was mezzmerized. She was beautiful. Long, smooth, jet black hair. Amazing smile. Perfect body. and Oliver feel head first into love at first sight. The bell rang for the last class of the day. "Hey, I have to go, would you like to come home with me and my friends for band practice today or something?" "I guess. Bye Oliver see you after school." she answered. She waived goodbye and went on to her class . "Dude! You mean to tell me your gonna try to score with that!?" shouted Nick, the friend carson was talking to before he saw Chelsea. "Yeah dude! I think I love her!" Chelsea heard them down the hall while she was on the way to class and smiled with joy.