Secret life of an american male teenager?

Chapter 4

Oliver went and got the principle.
"Mr. Crawford! Brad's beating on Kayla you need to get down there!"
"Son, I'm not getting into this stuff." said Mr. Crawford.
"Okay, I see how it is. You're one lousy principle. What if it was your daughter getting beat? Huh?"
"Mr. Oliver I'm telling you I'm not getting into this. Brad is our star quarterback and we need him this season."
"Wow Mr. Crawford, you're stupid."
"Oliver, do I really need to give you a referal?"
"If that's what it's gonna take to get you to help out Kayla then yes!" exlaimed Oliver.
"Leave my office."

Oliver left. Chelsea was waiting for him outside the office.
"Isn't he going to do anything honey?" asked Chelsea.
"No....He's being a selfish bastard again. Just like normal." Oliver replied.
"Oh Oliver, Kayla will be okay. She has NIck to look after her."
"Wait, so did he ask her out yet?"
"Yeah. She said yes right on the spot."
"Good. Nick needs someone to help cheer him up right now and Kayla needs comforting."

The two left from lunch and went to last period. The bell rang for school to end that day.
"Hey Oliver, why don't you ask your girlfriend to come to the house with us tonight and meet dad and his new girlfriend. Maybe he can take ya'll on a double date." suggested Melody.
"Your right! Chelsea!!! Wanna come home with me tonight? It's friday and I know your parents don't mind." asked Oliver.
"Yeah honey I'll come" replied Chelsea blushing.