‹ Prequel: Your Tears Don't Fall
Status: uhm, just when I'm inspired to write...

18 Days


I smiled as I laid on the beach. The warmth of the sun tanning my skin warmly. My eyes were hiding behind my shield sunglasses as they watched the small form play in the sand carefully.

Resting my head back down I felt at ease knowing that I’d be perfectly fine. Nothing could interrupt my life I had. My head lulled to the side as my muscles relaxed completely just letting my skin absorb the sun. My brain was on relax as my body and mind was unaware of anything that was happening around me.

“Hey, little man that’s an awesome sand castle.” I heard trying to ignore the voice I shifted my position getting comfortable.

“Thank you.” I pushed the words from my head relaxing once again into an awake state of R.E.M. I felt a push in my head telling me to get up and leave quickly, I ignored it skillfully relaxing once again to the towel.

“Mommy!!” I heard my son shout. I snapped up quickly my heart pounding heavily in my chest as I began scanning the beach to see if anyone had taken him. Taking a breathe I saw him smiling cheekily as he began giggling perfectly safe as he sat behind his sand castle.

“Hi mommy.” I saw as far too familiar face said.

My mind stood still in a frenzy of what to do as I looked at the slap from my past…

Never did I think this day would come.
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okay yay! first chapter
comment! i want some dang comments on this sucker!!