‹ Prequel: Your Tears Don't Fall
Status: uhm, just when I'm inspired to write...

18 Days


"Dude, just write!!" My guitarist groaned as we both just sat in the empty studio. Cj had decided he wanted to spend the day with Jimmy since he was also a fellow drummer.

"Sorry, I just got a lot on my mind." I said softly looking up at him, thinking about Jimmy as Kenny tried to write with me.

"Then just write it out." He said softly. "This thing on your mind has been on your mind all six years I've known you." He left his acoustic guitar and he took off. Taking my phone I texted Brian.

'Hey spare key to my house is in the mail slot. I'm pulling it late at the studio.'

Once I sent it i waited for the message mean while playing guitar. I heard my phone go off I quieted my guitar and picked up my ringing phone, looking at the unknown number i answered it kind of scared.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey It's Jimmy." I heard him say, my heart stopped, literally.

"Oh hey." I almost chortled out.

"I have Cj still and he's passed out on my couch after watching lion king." He said softly. "And I have no fuckin' idea what to do because I don't want to leave the kid in clothes with no blanket or pillow." He said soflty.

"Just grab him a blanket and mover your coffee table off and fold the blanket in half and put it on the floor with a pillow and just pick him up and set him on the floor. he'll wake up and get comfortable. But just let the movie play." I said softly.

"Alright, so when are you going to pick him up?" He asked curiously.

"probably early in the morning." I said looking at the guitar longingly.

"You have something to write." He said softly. By the understanding and reassuring tone of his smooth sexy voice.

"Yeah." I sighed softly.

"Just hope what ever is on your mind gets off. Hey just text me telling me if your going to stay later." He said softly.

"Alright, thank you so much Jimmy." My appreciation for him was evident. He chuckled for a second like we were old friends. I felt a smile warm up my insides releasing what feeling I had suppressed over the years to function.

"No problem, he's an awesome kid." I swear i could hear a smile. I felt my heart jump just a bit bringing joy to myself once more.

well he's your kid, smart one

"Yeah, but I'm going to get writing though, so thank you so much again." I said softly as i felt my emotions starting to flood open, like picking a scab.

"It's no problem, and I hope it's killer." He said lingering.

"Thanks. I'll text you telling you when I'm going to go over and get him though....?" I asked more than i stated.

"Yeah that sounds right." He said assuring me.

"Alright, bye." I said.

"Okay bye." I heard his bye linger more than it should have.

"Bye." I breathed softly before hanging up. I sat back in the seat, my heart still fluttering.

Taking three deep breathes to calm my shaking hands. Letting out the last breathe I grabbed the guitar and notebook putting them within the vicinity of my reach. I set the purple pen on top of it and I closed my eyes adjusting the acoustic guitar. I began playing what I had felt for the last six years and five months of my life....
♠ ♠ ♠
So, the ant crawled around the world.

So I was reading this and I realized what was making me so screwy. Hence why there is no date scene. *smiles chessily*

Sorry for my unexcused absence. I have no excuse. I'm lazy,

But if you leave comments on my profile and stuff I am most likely to update, because I am on here, writing in drafts for a few completely different stories I have stored up.

So to sum it all up, leave some comments they = updates. and I'm pretty positive i'm going to start updating a lot more. :)


