‹ Prequel: Your Tears Don't Fall
Status: uhm, just when I'm inspired to write...

18 Days


I rubbed my eyes softly as I pulled into Jimmy's driveway next to Syn's truck. By time I got out of my car 'He' was leaned against his open door looking at me.

"Hey." His voice projected through the air to me.

"Hey." I yawned as my heart tripleted tempo in my chest as I walked across the grass, I couldn't help but look at his nicely built chest. as i walked up to him. "Where is he?" I asked rubbing my eyes softly.

"Front room passed out." He said softly looking at me perceptively.

"Whatchoo lookin' at?" I smirked lazily and he shrugged softly.

"You tell me." I came to a stop in front of him and he looked down and into my eyes.

"A tired ass mother, who needs sleep." I rolled my eyes and pushed him aside to collect my son.

"Oh a cold shoulder now?" He smirked and I heard the door shut quietly.

"No, my shoulders pretty warm." I smirked as I heard his foot steps quietly runn after me. I smiled and slowed my walk and he only ran faster, his pattering footsteps running along the dark hardwood closing in on where i was located. I sudden began walking backa nd he slammed right into me perfectly. He grunted and then groaned as he pulled both of us to the ground. I closed my eyes and put my arms out to catch myself; it never came. I only felt my body slam against anothers in a tight embrace.

"Woah PDA." I heard a few people say and I opened my eyes to see Jimmy under me his blue eyes sparkling in humor as he moved one of his legs up. It hit my but and pushed me up and farther onto him. My face went red and I slapped him and i felt the sting as I stood up.

"Conchino." I glared and there was CJ.

"Why'd you call Jim monster a piggie mommy?" CJ rubbed his eyes a blanket in his hand tightly.

"You ready to go home?" I asked looking at him softly taking a motherly step and I checked him over quickly.

"Oh look I got a spidey bandaid!" CJ pulled up his pant leg and showed me the spidey bandaid on his knees.

"Spiderman?" I asked a little unsure.

"It's all about the Batman." He smiled and i high fived him. "But i'm ready to go home." He yawned. I smiled and he attached onto my neck I picked him up softly. he rested his head on my shoulder and I laughed softly as his stuff was still all over.

"You want me to gather his stuff?" Syn asked abut Jimmy had already started.

"I think he's got it." I said a little more than surprised as I gave a good yawn into my other shoulder.

"You think you should drive?" Val asked being the mother she naturally was.

"I'll be fine." I smiled tiredly.

"You guys can crash here we have plenty of room." Brian smirked. "Right Jims." Brian said calling out to him.

"What's right?" He stood up looking at us curiously.

"Shelia should stay the night, she's too tired to be driving. across town on the hiway." He smirked and then looked at him.

"Definitely. I don't want anything happening to you guys." He dropped all of the toys.

"I have to go home and let the dogs out and do some things," I said giving them an excuse, other than I just don't trust my raging emotions around Jimmy. I felt my keys being taken from my hand and Johnny threw them to zacky and they began passing them around until Jimmy caught them sliding them into his pocket. I sighed heavily in defeat and I grabbed his PJ's out of his bag and followed Jimmy to the guest bedroom. I laid Cj on the big bed comfortably. and I began changing him into his PJ's. I heard a slight chuckle from the doorway as I couldn't get his little PJ pants on from Cj twisting and turning.

"Well help!" I groaned turning around to see Jimmy leaning against the door with a soft smile on his face. "Oh...." I said softly, but he still pushed from the frame and helped me put the PJ pants on CJ. I tucked him into the bed and he immeadiately took up all of the room. I just smiled and kissed his forehead. I smiled softly at my son, my son. then it hit me like every night I was a mother.

Taking a breathe I turned to the end of the bed to See Jimmy on his knees folding CJ's little clothes putting them into the bag for me.

"Thanks." I said softly as I walked up to him. He simply nodded coming onto his feet passing my head int he process.

"where are you sleeping?" He asked softly.

"Couch or something." I shrugged softly as Johnny and Zacky both occupied the other guess bedrooms putting the back pack on my own back and i moved comfortably.

"Don't hold yourself like that." He said softly as his eyes racked my body softly for a once over. "In front of me."

I looked at him and I saw his visible gulp and I leaned on to my tip toes.

"Why not." I said softly and he just leaned down kissing me softly.

Emotions rushed over me drowning me head down clouding my brain. His hands fell to my hips pulling me closer to him. Sliding my hand to his cheek I stepped closer to him as our soft kiss became...... almost a brutal need for each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, I really hope this posts I worked very long on this... It's sad.

I was just suddenly inspired by Damien Rice and Lisa Hannigan, they are amazing. :)
I hope people actually read this. so yeah.

uhm, mucho amo,
Dannie Blaze.