‹ Prequel: Your Tears Don't Fall
Status: uhm, just when I'm inspired to write...

18 Days

Words you borrowed.

"Yeah." Jimmy faked a crazy smile. His attitude still outgoing and crazy, but his heart was sad and tempered.

"Yo Jimmbo!!" Syn laughed having a good buzz of energy just from the club they were at. The lights were going crazy in intracate patterns and color choices, the music pounding like it was each of their own hearts.

"Here's your shots." A thin girl, who was hauntingly beautiful flashed Jimmy a seductive smile as she placed his shot in his hand. He looked at her and just saw this girl, who couldn't compare but would do for the coldness his bed now had.

"What time do you get off?" He looked at her.

"Why would you want to know." She smirked at him coyly.

"Just wanted to dance with a beautiful woman." He smiled looking at her inviting her in.

"I get off in an hour." she smiled and he just smirked.

"I'll wait." He smiled triumphant.

All of the friends that surrounded him sent him all cnofused stares. Jimmy was the guy to pick up random chicks and maybe have a few drinks with them. To aid and abed them was a completely different story for Jimmy though. He had more respect for woman, or so Brian thought as he looked at his best friend with

"Yeah." She giggled as the handsome stranger wrapped his tanned arms around her.

"Your giggle is adorable." He smiled whispering in her ear She shuddered and giggled a little more before turning around to look at his face. He had sharp facial features. If Edward had been a real person this guy, stranger in front of her would have been him with out a doubt. His eyes weren't amber or what ever color she couldn't remember, but they were an emerald his skin was a tan and he was definitely in shape by far. His chizeled jaw held his mouth perfectly as he whistled for a cab. He looked at her with a smile lifting his eyebrows up at her.

"Ready?" He smirked as he pulled her over to the cab.

"Oh you don't know anything yet." She smirked looking a the man in front of her.

She put her clothes on quickly while the man splet in his bed. She had sobered up some to know that she didn't want to lay next to him. She never wanted to lay next to another man that wasn't Jimmy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm, I hope this delievers the insight i was looking for in a small short little package.
I hope people read! lol

uhm, mucho amo,