Status: Completed

Scream Till There's Silence


Vanessa woke up just as we reached the house and as soon as Zacky saw her, well...she wasn't human for long.

Rain and Brian we reunited. Johnny and Rabecca instantly clicked, a little more than just friends I think. Jimmy stayed away from our happy little reunion. Jimmy didn't say a word as Matt and I kissed softly. I had found my soul mate, and most likely lost my friend in a whole day.

"Jimmy-" He just backed away, running as fast as he could in the opposite direction. "He'll be fine." Matt whispered in my ear. "Just give him space." There was a crash from mine and Rain's room. "Damn it! All people ever do around here is screw!" I groaned, leaning against Matt. "Good suggestion." Zacky smiled wickedly and suddenly him and the newly turned Vanessa were gone. Johnny and Rabecca followed suit. "Great." Matt chuckled, kissing along my neck. "And what's the problem with that?" He asked, suddenly on top of me, in his bed. "Hmmm...." I trailed off, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Absolutely nothing." I whispered, kissing him softly.


I walked away, not wanting to see the girl I loved kissing my best friend. "Hello?" A small voice asked. I turned around to come face to face with the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. "Are you...a..vampire?" She asked timidly. Obviously newly turned.

I nodded, stepping closer. "I'm Jimmy." I said brightly. "Elle." She whispered. My moind was completely blank except for her brilliant face. Part of me asked What about Jinx? I could only respond with: Jinx who?
♠ ♠ ♠
:D Yay! Even Jimmy gets someone! :D I'M DONE!!! THE END!!! W000000000000T! :D :D :D :D


--Sinderella Plague