Disney Adventures

What happens when Lizzie goes on her very first vacation to Florida to visit her Aunt and see Disney for the first time? She has a not so normal encounter with Joe Jonas, and she doesn't even know it's him. Could this be a great friendship, or is it going to end badly because it's just all too complicated?
  1. I'm Such An Idiot
  2. The Morning After
    Lizzie's POV
  3. Oh, What A Night
    Joe's POV
  4. Sieze The Day
  5. What I Really Think
    Joe's POV
  6. It Went By So Fast
  7. Well, I Did It
    Joe's POV
  8. I Can't Believe It
    Lizzie's POV
  9. Last Night
    Joe's POV
  10. Oh, Boy
    Lizzie's POV
  11. Finale
    Mini series finale! Enjoy!
  12. Prelude
    Read this one first!