Disney Adventures


I'm 18 years old and I've never been to Disney. But it was Spring break during my senior year and I was finally going to Disney. It would also be my first trip by myself on a plane without my parents, so I was a little nervous.

"Lizzie! Let's go!"

"Coming!" I bounced down the stairs with my backpack, listening to my ipod.

Currently playing: Jonas Brothers

Now, unlike every other teenage girl in the world, I've never seen what they look like. I try not to go research crazy when it comes to my music, I just like to enjoy it. But I'm not stupid, I know how popular they are.

"Come on Moooooom!" I was just itching to get on the plane.

"I can't believe my baby is going on a trip all by herself."

"Oh please. I'm not goint to be alone. Aunt Marie is going to be there with me."

"Not on the plane!" I just rolled my eyes and pointed to myself.


"I know, I know." My mom sighed and we got into the car and went to the airport. After my mom cried a little bit, I finally boarded my plane to Florida. I went and found my seat, which was right next to the window.

"Sweet!" Before I actually got to my seat, I tripped over the person who was sitting next to me.

"Oh! Sorry! I just got really excited about the window seat." The guy, who looked about my age, just laughed at me, and then smiled.

Oh boy.

"It's okay. At least you're not some fat, old, smelly guy I have to sit next to for the next 6 hours." We both laughed and I sat myself in my seat.

"I'm Lizzie, by the way." I held out my hand. He smiled and took it.

"I'm Joe." I smiled back and blushed. He saw me playing around with my ipod and pointed to it,

"What're you listening to?"

"Oh. Um. Promise not to laugh?"

"Scouts honor!" He held up his hand.

"Haha, okay. The Jonas Brothers." He smirked.

"Now, why would I make fun of you for that?"

"Most guys do. Because I'm 18 and listen to a "Disney" band. But I don't even know what they look like! I just really love their music." Joe looked at me with his mouth hanging open.

"You...you have no idea what they look like?" He looked pale as a ghost.

"Uh, no. Is that weird or something?" I got confused by the range of faces he just made in the last two minutes. First he looked cocky like he knew something, then he went completely blank as if he just watched everything he knew float on by! Guys are so trippy.

"No! No no. It's....kinda nice." Joe relaxed back in his seat.

"I like them too."

"You do?!" I was more shocked than ever. A guy who liked the Jobros? Impossible. He laughed at me getting so excited and nodded his head. I then, was a total girl and went into a rant about how inspirational they are and how they know what I'm thinking, because their lyrics explain everything so much and blah blah blah. He was just smiling at me the whole time. Like, a genuine smile.
"You know. It's so cool to hear that someone loves them for their music, and not just because "they're like, so super hot!" " He did the last bit of it in a girly voice which made me double over in laughter, which in turn made him laugh. We got a lot of looks from all the people around us. For the next 5 hours we talked non stop about everything. Stupid stuff, important stuff, love, life, friends, and everything in between.

"You know what else I noticed about you?" He asked leaning back a little.


"You crinkle your nose when you're thinking. It's really...really cute." That just made me do my nervous laugh, that he had already pointed out and blush.

We heard a loud ding sound, and the PLEASE BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELT sign came on. Which meant we were landing.

"Oh, hey. Before we leave I have a question." I nodded, telling him to go on. "Can I have you number? In case we both get bored on our 10 day adventure to Disney?" I smiled and we switched phones. He put him in my phone under Joe!, and I put me under Lizzie!

"So, I guess I'll see you soon hopefully?" I asked.

"Absolutely." He pulled me into a hug, and I soaked up all the good smells that came from it.

"Bye Joe." I waved kind of sad.

"Bye Lizzie." He held me hand softly, and then let it drop. I watched him walk away for a few seconds, and what I didn't know is that he watched me walk away too.

"LIZZIE!" My Aunt came running over to me and embraced me in a huge hug.

"Hi Aunt Marie." I said with a little laugh.

"Let's get you home to sleep, we've got a very busy day tomorrow!" I walked to her car with her smiling, knowing that I was going to have the best day ever.


"Space Mountain again!" I bugged my Aunt, while wearing a Mickey hat. She just laughed and nodded her head. It was only noon and we've already hit Space mountain twice. It was something to be proud of really. While we were waiting in line, I got a text. My heart skipped a few beats, hoping it'd be Joe. I looked at my phone and smiled, it was Joe.

Be at Cinderella's castle at 2

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 1230.
You got it

I got really excited and decided that my Aunt and I needed to walk around instead of waiting around, because I was too hyped up to stand still. She called me crazy, and I eventually I had to tell her why we were walking around, and then I got teased. I just rolled my eyes and told her he didn't like me like that. 2 came fast, and I sprinted to the castle. My Aunt went to go get ice cream, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Joe and gave him a hug. He gave me a tight hug back.
"Wanna hang out for a little bit?" I nodded my head happily, and then my Aunt came over.

"Hey, Liz who- holy crap." He dropped her ice cream.

"Hi, I'm Joe. Lizzie's friend from the plane." Joe shook my Aunt's hand slowly, and it looked like he was giving her a weird look, but he had a hat on and it was shadowing his face.

"Oh. Right. Nice to meet you. Listen, Lizzie, I gotta shoot home for a while. I'll be back around 8. Think you'll be okay with Joe til then?" I looked at him, asking if it was okay, and he just nodded happily. We all said our goodbyes, and then Joe and I spent the day at Disney. Going on rides, eating, playing games, taking pictures with all the characters. It was 6 and Joe got an urgent phone call and said he needed to go somewhere for an hour but he'd be back. So I just hung around in the food court. That's when I heard it.

"Come on! The Jonas Brothers were performing!" I saw two little girls run out of the cafe and towards a lot of noise. Curious, I followed the crowd, and somehow I ended up towards the front. I wanted Joe to be there because I knew how much he liked them. Going against everything I believe in, I went and saw them perform. And that's when it happened. Joe was up on stage, singing, dancing around. Joe. JOE! Damnit! My eyes got really wide. Joe danced his way right over to the side of the stage I was standing at, and he saw me. And that's when he got really sad. I looked at him angrily, and started to make my way out of the crowd.

"LIZZIE WAIT!" Joe yelled in the middle of two songs. I kept walking. I got all the way to the middle of the park until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around, and I don't know what came over me.

"You lied to me! I feel like a complete idiot because of you!"

"I just-"

"No! I don't deserve to be used for your amusement." I walked around tears streaking down my face, little did I know, Joe had tears too.