My (Not) So Perfect Life

Chapter 5

*Chelsea's pov*
After lying on the floor for god knows how long, I manage to drag myself upstairs to my room. When I got to my bed I fell down on it, lying on my back looking up in my star covered roof.

How could this happen? Why would he do that? I have the answer for that one; he's an ass!
But how could I let this happen? I just have one thing there; I was drunk…
What should I do? Take revenge? No, that’s silly.. Or is it? Hmm..

What am I going to say when Jayk comes here? Why did I call him in the first place?
I couldn’t really remember. Everything the last couple of hours were a blur, including the party. Except from the most awful part.. The part with Eric. The part I was helpless in. The rape. How the hell could I let THAT happen?!

I began to tense up, I felt a new set of tears ready to flow down my already stained face.
My face was already red and puffy enough, but I have the right to cry? Don’t I?
I couldn’t really decide anything, cause the tears where already coming.
My throat was soar, my face was soar, and I had really nothing more to think about, or say.

I throwed myself at a pillow and buried my face in it. As I curled up in a ball with my face still in the pillow I heard a car slow down outside. I couldn’t really think of it as I soon was fast asleep.

*Jayk’s pov*
I stopped my car in front of my old home; I’ve been driving in exactly 5 hours now. Without a break! I got out of the car and sprinted in to the house, which the door was unlocked.

When I got inside I saw glass splinters on the floor with an orange like liquid.
What the hell?

I ran up the stairs up to Chelsea’s room. The door was half open.
Inside I could see Chelsea’s body curled up in a ball on the bed. I walked silently inside and saw her pillow which was squeezed up in her face.
As the brother I was, I was afraid she couldn’t breathe so I silently removed the pillow. I laid it under her head instead.

Her face was red and puffy. Her eyes were blood shot. She had hair stuck in her face, she looked terrible!

As I slowly moved her hair away from her face, she twitched in her sleep. I took my hands away, but figured it was just a dream.

I laid down beside her, taking my arms around her in protect.

What has happen to you, Chels?”
I whispered as I fell asleep too.
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Thanks to faithxlove for commenting =)
I really appriciate it!
xx Kia