My (Not) So Perfect Life

Chapter 7 - Chelsea joining the man crib

*Chelsea's pov*

Here I was. Outside Jayk and Drew's home along with 3 other guys and now mine too.
Behind me I heard a car speed off.
When I looked over my shoulder I saw it was my parents silver SUV.
They didn't want to stay in case I got difficult I guess..
"Fuck them!" I mumbled, maybe a little louder than i intended to cause someone stood beside me.
I looked to my side. There he was, Jayk. He had a serious yet happy grimace plastered on his face with a low chuckle he looked at me.
“Hey Chels!” He smiled and gave me a hug as I hugged him back.
“Jayk! I’ve missed you!”
“I’ve missed you to Chels!” He said as he rubbed my head.
“You have no idea. Drew has missed you too!”
“Oh, Drew! I’ve obviously missed him as well” I laughed a little, but stopped instantly when I suddenly heard someone scream or squeal. It was really hard to decide, and even harder to hear what was being screamed/squealed.
When I saw Drew coming through the porch to the house with a big smile on his face I instantly got it. He had been screaming my name. I smiled as I opened my arms.
He ran into them and lifted me up in the air as I laughed.
“Chelsea! You have no idea how much I’ve missed you!” He put me down.
“Well, yeah, Jayk just told me!” I laughed.
Drew pointed a finger at him but turned back to me in a heartbeat.
“This is so cool! You living here with us? It can’t get much better than that!” He laughed as he began dragging me with him towards the house.
I looked over my shoulder to see Jayk smile and nodded a ‘go ahead’ sign to me as I pretended I was scared. Yeah, we have a bad humor but it’s awesome.

“Come on Chelsea! The guys can’t wait to meet you!” Drew said trying to drag me as fast as he could over the doorstep.
“Ok, chill out Drew! If you drag me faster now, I’m going to make scratches in your floor” We began to laugh as we fell to the ground. We could/would laugh at the most random things It probably looks insane to other people.

“Drew! Keep it down man!” I heard someone yell from the second floor.
Then seconds later; “Yeah, dude!”, “No need for hysterics, she hasn’t even come yet!” Drew and I looked at each other, which made it even more hysteric.
We fell down on the floor again laughing so hard causing the unknown guys to tramp our way. When they saw us lying at each others sides, laughing our asses off, they stopped. Someone cleared his throat.

“This is ehh…Chelsea everyone!” Jayk said a little amused that we could already be lying on the floor. I got up; it would be rude if I just kept lying there, not to mention embarrassing.
I straighten myself up as I walked towards the first guy. He had some sort of light brown hair, a cute face and looked like he could have worn glasses. Why I didn’t know.
“As you already know I guess, Chelsea!” I put my hand in front of him as he grabbed it and shock it lightly. “Bobby” He smiled.
I instantly knew why I though he looked like a guy with glasses!
“OHH, that’s why I though you looked like a guy that wore glasses! You’ve been in Spy Kids!” The other guys at once broke down laughing. Why I didn’t really know, but whatever. Bobby sighed.
“Not you too!” He said as he accused me, but still had some what a smile on his face. “Me too? Oh, and by the way, you look way better without the glasses.” I said matter of factly. The guys began laughing even more this time. What’s up with that?
“Why you too is because you see the guys over here” He said as he mentioned to the guys that were laughing so hard they were on the floor. Just as Drew and I had been some minutes ago.
“-Won’t stop bugging me about it. Call me Spy-Kid and you would fit right in. You’ve already made a hysterical first impression!” He said as he laughed a little.
“Well, I won’t say anything that would make you feel uncomfortable though”
“No no, I’ve gotten used to it. Be my guest! -Their probably going to make you say it either way.” I had to laugh as I moved on to the next guy that was slightly recovered from the laughing by now.

He was tall, skinny yet had an athletic body so it seemed.
He smiled at me as he took my hand. “Yo, I’m David!” I smiled at him.
“Sup David?” I said in the same yo-style just for fun.
Drew and Jayk got this and began to laugh. They knew I loved to imitate persons.
“Nothing much, what about you?” He smiled, obviously didn’t notice that I just ‘embarrassed’ him.
“I’m making first impressions!” I laughed as well as all the other guys.
This was far too easy. It shouldn’t be so outgoing and easy to move into a new house full of boys, but it was. Something I was really happy about, cause these boys seemed like awesome, fun and nice people.

I moved to the last guy. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t caught my eye before?
He looked amazing! Incredibly hot, middles height, dark brown hair and deep light blue eyes. I would have swoon right here and now if it wasn’t for that my brother and my ‘other brother’ stood right behind me. And for the fact that I was about to move in with them.

I were about to shock his hand as he gave me a hug instead.
“I’m not a shake kind of guy when it comes to ladies. They deserve a hug!” He winked at me. I laughed.
“-Either way, what’s up? I’m Thomas. 19 years old from Sandyego!”
I laughed. “What’s up with the introducing?” He shrugged with a smile.
“Ok, I’m Chelsea, Jayk’s sister. 17 years old from Las Vegas!”
The boys laughed a little when Drew piped in. “Hey! What about me?”
“Oh, yeah, and Drew’s best friend…” I said as I made a grimace.
“Hey! That’s not nice!” Drew pretended to be hurt.
“Well, I just said you were my best friend though!” After I said that I turned around sending him our ‘look’ as we instantly began laughing.
Call us crazy but we ended up on the floor again while the other guys were looking down on us.
“Are they always this random together? I mean, I know Drew is, but with Chelsea he’s even worse!” Bobby said as he laughed. Jayk looked up with an apology kind of look. This was only for fun of course. But when he said this he was totally serious.
“You have no idea what your in store for!”
♠ ♠ ♠
The story is based on when they like 18-22
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