Reinventing The Wheel To Run Myself Over


My name is Emily.
This is my story. My life.

I was born on the 14th of February, 1994, but I went to school a year early. This fact enables me to say I'm really 16, not 15.
Anyways, I'm graduating middle school this year, which means I'm in the 9th grade now.
Oh, I'm from Poland that's why you're probably so confused right now.

If you'll ever meet me don't take me for an american because of my fluent accent. Nuh-uh.
Learning english 12 years out of your 15-years-long life really makes it easier.
But it doesn't mean I'm a genius or that I'm really talented.
I just know how to speak english.
No big deal, it's as simple as eating a banana.

I have an older sister, her name is Helena.
Yeah, you got it, like the song.
Well, to be true, we both have different names. Mine is IWONA but in english it's pronounced EVONA
"I" like E-mail.
"w" like vodka.
"O" like orgasm.
"N" like nothing
"A" like America.
nice combination. Well..
My sister is ILONA, same as mine, just an
"L" like laughter
in the middle. Everyone keeps messing with our names all the time, but I got kinda used to it.
You probably wonder "Why the heck does that lad change her and her sisters name?WTF!?"
Well, here's the deal.
Ilona in Hungarian means Helena, and I call my sister that sometimes.
And you know Emily The Strange?
Yeah, I was the prototype.
Nah just kidding, though I wish. But I really love the series and all, so I decided to get that name, coz my real one sucks.
Also Emily is the nicest name I ever heard, so, yeah, I decided to be Emily.
Back to the story.
Helena is my hero.
She always understands me, she's teh only one who knows everything about me. I trust her with everything. She was one of the first people I came out to with being bisexual and the only grown up who knows I'm drinking and smoking.
It's not that I don't trust my friends, it's just Helena who I trust the most.
I love her more than anyone else.

I just found a ladybird on my desk.
And just so you know, it's winter, middle of th enight, 21 F outside, and she's inside my house, while all the doors and windows are closed. Funny, eh?
I like ladybirds, they seem so...feminine girly and innocent.
Oh! She just flew onto the notebook I'm writing in. Walking around teh edges and climbing every bump on the paper. I have to watch out not to hurt her or something, she's so little and helpless really. I'm kinda the other way around.
I ain't so cute, I ain't helpless, fightin with everyone- physicly and with words, and nobody looks out for me, you know, not to hurt me or something. Not like they do with ladybirds.
And I'll probably get stepped on or eaten like she will.
I'll go and put her on a plant somewhere. No, I'm not throwing her out in the cold, silly, I have a few plants at home actually.

I'm kind of having a 'depression mode' right now, if you know what I mean?
Well, I'm really having a weird time, I like going to school (freaky, right?) and I don't like coming home. Though I'm having problems with my gardes and with my teachers I prefer school where my freinds are, and where I can say what I want, than my own fucking house where scratching my ass is a fucking faux pas.

Sorry, I'm kind of getting too over the top. I really didn't mean to throw it out like that, really, I...

Uh, I'm rambling too much.
That's my fucking problem, I always ramble.
It's like heroin for a drug addict, once you start you can't stop until somedy stops you or something.
Sorry. I'm doing it again...

Just one more thing and I'll be finishing, honest. It's just getting too long and it's only supposed to be a prologue.

So that's my... profile, let's say, it's what I am and how I feel.
My story starts in the next chapter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, so the next few chapters are going to be about my first year in middle school, but there's only going to be a few, like, two or three of them I think. Then a few more of my second year about six or seven and then the third year, which is now.

If you can comment, even if it hust a simple "It's good" or "You suck."
I really won't get mad, eat you ar kill your pets or something. Seriously, dude.
But I still hope you won't think "Geez, that girl is wack!" or something, but as I said- just say if you think so.

I hope to write the next chapter soon, but if you wish to know when just subscribe, coz I won't be telling everyone around "whether that crazy chick has written again". Even if you're being a bitch/bastard and not commenting at least subscribe, it'll make my day anyways.

xox. em, ILY.

PS. Don't kill me for the spelling, I really don't like checking what I write, and I don't use the spellcheck in Word, coz it sucks. E.

PS2. Title by Tears For Fears.