I Don't Bite...Often


I was walking down the street when I saw him stumble out into the dark alleyway. His hair was black and kind of a bed head thing going on. He wore skinny jeans and a t-shirt, an emo boy. I have never really liked the look of emo boys, but this one had just been kicked out into the cold weather without a jacket or anything, I mean come on I’m not heartless.

I stood there and watched for a few seconds, waiting to see if he would get up from the cold pavement, he didn’t.

I walked over and knelt beside him, he wasn’t moving at all. Was he dead? I looked and saw the rise and fall of his chest, thank god. The guy must have thrown him out of there pretty hard. I raced around to the front of the building. It was called The Hole, probably a bar or something.

When I came back around I could hear the guy groan. I hurried over and helped him to sit up. He looked around and when his eyes locked on mine he recoiled a bit.

“Who the hell are you?” The boy asked me, his voice was sharp and biting.

“My name’s Rose Evans. Who are you?” I hoped he would give me a name, I hated not knowing someone’s name.

“Tyler Cross if you must know. Why are you here?” He stumbled up off of the ground and I followed him.

“I saw you get pushed out and fall to the ground. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” I sounded like a little girl next to this guy.

“Yeah, well nothing to worry about. I’m perfectly fine. Go run home to mommy and daddy.” He walked down the alleyway, and I quickly followed him.

“Not until you tell me why they threw you out of there.” I hoped that my voice sounded commanding, and not as girly and sweet as it usually does.

“Why would I tell someone I don’t even know?” He laughed and kept walking, he obviously didn’t care if I followed him.

“Because I want to know. Just tell me and then I’ll leave you alone.” I don’t even know why I cared so much, but I was bored and he seemed interesting.

“How about I don’t kill you and you can go home?” He snarled and turned to face me. His blue eyes flashed with anger, but he really didn’t scare me.

“I highly doubt that you would kill me.” I crossed my arms tightly over my chest and looked him straight in the eye.

“Even more proof that you don’t know me at all.” He turned and continued walking.

“Yeah but I could get to know you if you would give me the chance.” I grabbed his arm and turned him around to face me again.

“I’m not much of a chance giver.” He tried to turn back around, but I held on tight.

“Just tell me and you’ll never have to see me again.” I knew this reasoning probably wouldn’t work. He could just walk away and never see me again after all.

“Okay fine. I started a fight so I got kicked out.” He said it as if starting a bar fight meant nothing, as if it was common, which I suppose it was, but that was besides the point.

“Are you happy now? Can I leave?” He wrenched his arm out of my grip.

I just nodded and turned the opposite way. As I walked down the street I kept replaying his name in my head. Tyler Cross, Tyler Cross, Tyler Cross, Tyler Cross. I love that name, it’s so simple, but yet it has something special to it.

His name kept repeating right until I reached my house. It was a fair size with a garage and big yard. I slowly pushed open the front door, it was about one in the morning and I was supposed to be home an hour ago. My parents are way strict about that, but come on I’m seventeen!

I hurried upstairs to my room, I couldn’t hear any movement, so I was home free. I flung myself onto my bed and tried to quiet my mind. Why was I thinking about Tyler so much? It’s not like I even know the guy, but he had been really good looking…

Stop it! My brain screamed at itself. I had to stop obsessing over this guy, it’s not as if I would ever see him again anyways. I got off my bed and peeled off my clothing and pulled on my pajamas.

I crawled under the warm sheets of the bed and closed my eyes. As soon as they were tightly shut I saw him. His black hair, his blue eyes, his skinny yet muscular frame. I had to get him out of my head. I imagined my boyfriend, Ritter. His face swam in my vision, his blonde hair and hazel eyes, his muscular frame, but his face was only there for a second when Tyler took over again.

I sat up in bed and placed my head in my hands. I needed to sleep, I was tired, but I couldn’t if I was so distracted. My cat, Moxie, jumped up onto my bed and walked around me, purring happily. I scooped her up in arms and cradled her there. After a few minutes I felt really drowsy. I laid my head on the pillow and fell asleep, Tyler’s face was permanently stuck there.

I bolted upright, something had moved. I glanced nervously down the empty hallway leading to the stairs, nothing was there. I glanced around my room, but all was silent. Then I remembered the big window in my room. I looked up and saw something in front of it. It was definitely a human form, but it ran away quickly when I looked up. All I had seen was a flash of blue eyes.

I laid my head back down, I would worry about this in the morning, it was late and I needed to sleep.


The sunlight that streamed through my window woke me up. I looked around me and saw Moxie purring at my feet. I had a weird dream and I felt a little bit paranoid. I had seen a human form outside my window and a flash of blue eyes, it had obviously been Tyler, it was a pretty boring dream.

Tyler’s face had been like a still frame in front of me all night, it didn’t move, just sat there. I wanted to see him again, to be with him, to talk to him. Even though I didn’t know him.

I got out of bed and remembered that I had a date with my boyfriend, Ritter. I ran to my bathroom and quickly got in the shower. My mind was racing to figure out what time we had agreed upon. Was it twelve, one or two? I absolutely couldn’t remember!

When I got out of the shower I grabbed my cell and called Ritter, I hoped we were meeting at one, two was too late and it was already eleven, too close to twelve.

“Hey, babe.” Ritter’s deep voice came from over the phone line.

“hey, uhm, what time did we agree to meet at?” Ritter hated when I forgot times, but I usually didn’t.

“One, didn’t you remember babe?” Ritter’s voice held a sound of annoyance.

“I just wasn’t one hundred percent sure. You know I’m a busy girl.” I cooed and I knew he was melting.

“Yeah, I know babe. See you later.” I heard the line go dead and I went to my closet.

I picked out an argyle scoop neck sweater from garage, a pair of black jeans and a Juicy Couture purse.

I did my make up and hair and hurried out the door. The weather was even colder than yesterday. I walked quickly down the road, it was twelve thirty, perfect timing.

Ritter and I were meeting at a local coffee place, called Nutbean’s.

As I walked down the road I saw a flash of black hair turning quickly down an alley. I turned around and went down the alley, but there was nothing there.

I continued down to Nutbean’s, Ritter was probably already there, he was never late.

The whole way there I felt watched, I was only a block away from Nutbean’s when I turned around and saw Tyler walking aimlessly behind me.

What the hell.
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I know it's kind of slow.

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I hope you enjoyed!