I Don't Bite...Often


Tyler unlocked his old and worn wooden front door. I was excited to see inside his house. I wanted to see what Tyler lived in every day, what he came home to. I wasn’t expecting it to be clean or tastefully decorated, come on he’s a nineteen year old guy.

“Okay, it’s not a beautiful palace like yours, but I try my best.” Tyler opened the door and stepped inside.

He stamped his feet on the little welcome mat and I did the same. We were in an entryway. There’s a coat closet to my right and a little bench and table to my left. It’s one of those closed off entries so you can’t see any of the house until you turn the corner.

I walked down the little entryway into the rest of the house. Inside the house it was actually very sleek and modern. You came into another mini-entryway from which you looked straight into the living room or if you looked to your right you would see the kitchen with all of it’s new appliances.

Tyler showed me his living room first. The walls and carpet were a nice, clean white. There was a plasma screen on the wall and a pretty glass coffee table sitting on an area rug, other than that rug everything was dark hardwood flooring. Tyler’s couches were a silver colour. On the coffee table there was a glass vase with rocks and then some (fake) colorful flowers blossoming out.

If you looked around a wall that separated the kitchen and living room you could see a little dining room nestled there. The table was made for four people and it was dark. There was a beautiful hanging light above it.

The kitchen was so modern. The tiles were white and clean, the appliances were all chrome and they all looked so pretty in the kitchen, there was a little breakfast nook built into the corner.

“Your house is amazing!” I cried as Tyler showed me around. My house had a completely different design concept than his did. Mine mad you think of an old palace, but Tyler’s was all clean cut lines and modern designs.

“Thanks, but wait until you see the upstairs.” Tyler smiled and led me to a hidden corner of the house where there was small, metal spiral staircase.

“I didn’t even see that.” I mumbled to myself, his house was just so cool.

“Yeah, you’re not supposed to. I got that so people wouldn’t find the upstairs in case I have parties.” We reached the top of the staircase.

The walls were lined with works of art. I saw Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh, a lot of stuff by van Gogh actually. There were lots of Impressionist paintings, like the Water Lilies one that they showed in Titanic, it was absolutely beautiful.

There were four doors in this hallway, two on the right side, one on the left, and the last one directly on the end.

Tyler opened the first door on the right to reveal a little library. There were books everywhere and a few comfy looking chairs placed strategically around the room.

The next room, on the left, was a sleek computer room. There were a few research books in here, but mainly only a very nice computer and a desk chair.

The next room, on the right, was just a plain bathroom, nothing really special about that.

“And I wonder what this last room could be?” I asked Tyler as he pushed open the door.

Tyler’s bedroom was beautiful. The walls were a deep red and the carpet was a creamy white. In the center sat a circular bed with a white and red design going on. It looked like a room that you would see in Paris, not a normal guy’s room. The closet doors were made out of floor length mirrors and it opened to reveal many racks of clothes, but mostly a lot of colorful shoes.

“You’re house is beautiful.” I sat down on Tyler’s comfy bed. I had expected his house to look simple, just the basics, but it definitely wasn’t. I was surprised that a guy would want to live here, most guys wouldn’t have the eye to design this.

“Well, I can’t exactly take the credit. I got it done professionally.” Tyler laughed and sat beside me on the bed, I was still awestruck.

“Either way. You told me it was a piece of junk!” I laughed and slapped him lightly on the arm.

“I like to surprise you. You look so cute with your mouth hanging open.” Tyler laughed and kissed me deeply.

I cooperated willingly, anything to forget about this day, it had been equal parts good and bad, but the best was kissing Tyler. I was so tempted to pull off his shirt, to let him take my shirt off, but I couldn’t…not yet anyways. The best I could do was grope him, so I did and I earned a groan of delight. I giggled into his lips and let him feel me up. My brain was registering the fact that I hadn’t known this guy for very long, but I was in love. I couldn’t explain it, it’s impossible to explain. I honestly don’t think that it takes long to fall in love, it shouldn’t take long, you should know right away.

I pulled away gently from his lips for a minute. “Tyler, I didn’t want to let myself say this, but, I love you. I love you so much.” I breathed heavily. It felt so good to say, so good to finally tell him.

“I love you too. I love you more than you could ever know.” Tyler kissed down my face, he kissed everywhere.

It was wonderful, it felt so good to be with him, to be melded so closely to his body. We fit together so perfectly. His hips interlocked with mine, our legs tangled just right, our hands were a perfect fit, and our hearts. Our hearts fit each other’s perfectly. No movement we made felt awkward or wrong, there was no wrong movement, the sensations we were feeling could never be bad. Pure happiness, pure bliss, pure love.

I didn’t know how long it had been, my sense of time had flown out the window, replaced by pure unadulterated love, every inch of his love filled me. I felt like screaming with happiness.

When we finally broke apart our eyes were glazed over and our hair was mussed. My clothes were wrinkled and my makeup was probably a bit smudged, but none of that mattered.

“So do you want to figure out why your grandma and mom were saying you’re so powerful? Do you want to try and figure out what you are?” Tyler asked me as he let me sit up on the bed.

“Yeah, but I think I’d have to ask my parents for that information, and I really don’t want to do that.” I sighed and leaned into Tyler, I could feel my worries slowly seeping back into my brain.

“No you don’t! There’s this new invention called the internet, you can search anything you want on it.” Tyler laughed and got up off of his bed.

“I don’t think the internet will tell us anything weird about my family.” I pointed out to him.

“The internet points out everything it can find.” Tyler grabbed me and pulled me up off of the bed.

Tyler turned on his computer, I sat in a chair beside him. I wanted to find out what my mom and grandma had been talking about, but then in a way I also didn’t. I was already involved with the “supernatural” world, I mean come on I’m dating a vampire.

Tyler’s computer finally turned on and he opened Google.

“What should I search?” Tyler asked me, his fingers were poised over the keys, ready to type.

“Okay, no. Let me sit there, I need to type if I’m the one directing this thing.” I laughed and tried to pull Tyler out.

“Yes, but it’s my computer.” He laughed and pulled me down into his lap, I didn’t object to that.

I typed “Nathaniel Evans” into the search engine. I got thousands of hits. Tyler pointed one of the first few hits. The headline read:

Nathaniel Evans: Bigoted Asshole

“I’m sorry, but that sounds exactly like your dad.” He threw his head back and laughed about how he had just said that not long ago.

“Yeah it really does.” I laughed, but I didn’t bother clicking on the link, it wouldn’t mention anything “supernatural”.

I surfed through the pages, most of them were talking about my dad being an amazing lawyer, or they were documents about all of his cases. I clicked on some links that said some different stuff, but it never really turned out to be anything. Some said he was Satan, some said he was a God, none of them were literal and none of them helped me figure out my family’s secret.

“Have you found anything yet?” Tyler raised his head off of the back of the chair. We had been looking for about an hour and Tyler was getting impatient.

“No. I told you this was a stupid idea. No one is going to mention anything special about our family on here.” I sighed and leaned back against Tyler.

“Okay, you’re going to have to move. I’ll figure this out.” Tyler pushed me lightly off of his lap. I got up and sat on the chair beside him.

I watched over his shoulder as he typed something into the search engine.

“What’s your mom’s maiden name?” Tyler asked me.

“Montgomery. What does that have to do with anything?” I asked him confused.

“Just trust me.” Tyler typed Montgomery Evans into the search engine.

Millions of search results popped up. Many of them announced my parent’s wedding or mine and my sister’s birth announcement. Here in New York we are the social elite. My dad being a huge lawyer and my mom being an interior designer and a part time socialite. A lot of results popped out for my grandma as well, they all announced her books and whatnot.

“Do you maybe know any relatives from a long time ago from either your mom or dad’s family history?” Tyler asked me.

“No, I don’t even know my grandparents on my dad’s side. It’s like he doesn’t have a family.” I shrugged helplessly.

Tyler quickly typed in “Montgomery Family Line”. He hit enter and selected the first link he saw. On the webpage there was big family tree with black and white pictures of my mom’s relatives, including their spouses. My sister and I were on the end. I traced back to the earliest ancestor recorded. 1819. That was a really long time ago. Either someone was totally obsessed with my family, or we were more famous than I thought.

“Well your family must’ve had some mark on history. Someone’s taken the time to record everything.” Tyler looked at all the pictures and paused over mine for a millisecond before he continued back up to the top.

My very first male relative recorded was William Montgomery. He was a stern looking man. His moustache was perfectly groomed and his eyes were light along with his hair, the picture wasn’t colored, but I assumed his eyes were blue like mine. There was a whole paragraph about him.

William Montgomery, aged fifty three, is the head of the Montgomery family tree. William was born in 1819 and he lived in Oklahoma. William later moved to New York where he met his spouse, Eliza Hurley. At the age of 30 William struck rich with many smart investments and a law firm. William and Eliza were well known socialites and were the heads of the social scene. They had three children, two boys and a girl, who carried on William’s law firm after his death in 1893. It is said that William’s family carried a special crest although it has never been proven. William and Eliza were rumored to have a secret society, but nobody knows this to be fact or fiction.

The writer had mentioned a secret society of some sort, but I needed more. I needed a name, a place, a reason behind my mother’s worry.

“Let me see that.” My voice sounded dazed and unfocused. I sat lightly on Tyler’s lap and took control of the computer again.

I went to the next relative underneath William, one of his two sons.

The picture that came up definitely had a resemblance to William except for this man looked younger and a bit more handsome due to the fact that he didn’t have a moustache.

William Montgomery JR. was born in 1844. William was his father’s oldest son and namesake. William married Marie Treyborne and had two children before his young death in 1878. William JR. was found in the streets, late one night. His body had been mutilated and the police never preformed an autopsy upon the body although people that carried it off of the scene said it seemed quite light even though William JR. was not a small man. William, who had taken over his father’s business, was also rumored to be in this society and many blame this fact on his terrible death. His wife, Marie died in 1904 at the age of 56, she was also murdered and rumored to be in this society.

Again, the society was mentioned but they didn’t give any facts or information as to it’s whereabouts. I clicked on William JR’s oldest son, William, of course.

William Montgomery The Third was born in 1868. William is his father’s oldest son and the second namesake. William The Third married Natalie Richardson. William and Natalie were socialites and were both quite the celebrities. They had three children, they were all boys. William died in 1910. Natalie and him were said to be coming home from a “private function”(many believe this to be the society) when William was attacked on the streets. William’s death was much like his father’s before him and it caused much speculation regarding the Montgomery’s.

I searched through many of the little articles on my ancestors. In all of them it would seem they had been killed, mutilated, tortured. Almost none of them had died peacefully.

I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and clicked on the picture of my dad. His whole family tree showed up, it dated back a little bit farther than my mother’s.

As I looked at the names I noticed that the last name was Van der Hudson. Strange, very strange.

I clicked on the very regal looking picture of my father.

Nathaniel Van der Hudson was born in 1948. Nathaniel was the oldest of three children and his father’s namesake. Nathaniel married Raianna Montgomery, heiress to the famous law firm and rumored secret society. Nathaniel and Raianna’s wedding was covered by magazines, it was a must see event. Nathaniel and Raianna had two children that we know of. There is however a rumor that their middle child was sent away after their rumored secret society heard of him or her. Nathaniel had changed his middle name to Evans shortly after his eighteenth birthday, the reason is unknown at this point. Nathaniel and Raianna are both alive at this point in time.

So my father had changed his last name? This intrigued me. Why would he do that unless there really was a secret society and we did have secrets lurking around?

“Okay, that sounds very suspicious to me.” Tyler said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, very suspicious.” I smiled, finally we were getting somewhere!

Now if only I knew where we were going…
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xoxoxooxoxxo Heather