I Don't Bite...Often


“Why are you following me?” I asked Tyler angrily, yesterday he was trying to get rid of me and now he was stalking me?!

“What? I’m not following you, I’m just walking around.” He shrugged innocently, but I wasn’t about to buy it.

“You just happen to be right behind me? Oh and you…oh my god! It wasn’t a dream! You really were at my window last night!” I realized in horror, I was being stalked! By an incredibly cute guy…but that wasn’t the point!

“I think you’re mildly insane. I wasn’t at your window last night, just go where ever you’re going.” He gestured for me to keep walking.

“No way. You start walking first.” I wasn’t about to turn my back on this potential stalker.

Tyler shrugged and walked ahead of me, I followed behind him. Not surprisingly he headed straight for Nutbean’s, I couldn’t believe it! He was just about to walk inside when I grabbed his arm.

“Okay, hold up. Why are you going here?” I narrowed my eyes at him, this was just too coincidental.

“Because I want some coffee. Is that illegal now or something?” He looked at me like I was a total idiot, and maybe I was.

“No, but that’s where I’m going. You are stalking me aren’t you!” The more I thought about it the more I realized that I was being kind of stupid. Why would he stalk me? And how would he know I was going to Nutbean’s? It’s not like I said it out loud.

“No. For the last time I am not stalking you. I don’t have any reason to stalk you. Get over yourself.” He wrenched his arm away from me for the second time and walked into the little shop.

I walked in behind him and immediately saw Ritter sitting at a booth with two cappuccinos, one was for me. I gave Ritter a kiss and then sat down opposite him.

“Who were you talking to outside?” Ritter asked me, he almost sounded mad about it or something.

“Just some guy that I helped out last night. He was coming here too so we said hey.” I shrugged it off. I wasn’t about to tell Ritter that I thought I was getting stalked. He’d probably beat up Tyler.

“Then why did you grab him when he tried to go inside?” I should’ve known Ritter would have questions, he was super observant.

“Oh well, uhm, I wanted to ask him if he was okay, but he was walking inside so I grabbed his arm to get his attention.” I knew it was a lame excuse, I mean come on, but it was the best I had.

“Oh, well he came in here looking pretty pissed off.” Ritter raised his eyebrow. He knew I was lying but he wasn’t going to pry, that was one of his best qualities.

I shrugged and sipped my nice hot drink. I didn’t notice how cold I had been outside.

“So, I was thinking for tonight we could meet up with Andy and Monica.” Ritter suggested.

Monica is my best friend in the whole wide world and Andy is her boyfriend, he’s a pretty awesome guy.

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea.” Ritter and I were always having double dates with Andy and Monica. We usually just hung at Andy’s huge house and watched a movie or something like that, it was nice and casual.

Ritter’s phone beeped impatiently. He looked at the screen and sighed in exasperation, he probably had to go to work.

“I’m sorry babe, but work wants me to come in. I’ll pick you up at around seven?” Ritter sounded apologetic, but I didn’t mind.

“Yeah seven sounds good.” I smiled and Ritter lightly kissed my lips.

I was usually left alone at Nutbean’s, Ritter was always getting called into work. He’s the assistant manager at a French restaurant called Amour, pretty cheesy, amour is French for love.

“So, is that the boyfriend?” Tyler asked me as he planted his butt where Ritter had just been.

“Yeah, and if he sees you sitting with me or talking to me he’ll beat the crap out of you, so I suggest you go away.” I looked out the window and sipped my drink, waiting for Tyler to leave.

“He wouldn’t be able to beat the crap out of me, I would beat the crap out of him.” Tyler told me cockily, I just rolled my eyes.

There was no way in hell Tyler could beat Ritter in a fight. Tyler was more on the skinny side and average height, Ritter is taller and more on the muscular side.

“Somehow I doubt that would happen.” I snorted dismissively, I don’t know why but I didn’t really want Tyler to leave, but he had to. I don’t know him and I have a boyfriend.

“Have you looked at him lately! He’s a pussy! He’s all talk and no game!” Tyler laughed and placed his elbows on the table.

“Oh whatever, why are you even talking to me. As you pointed out last night, I don’t even know you.” I looked at him and once again his blue eyes caught mine.

“There’s something special about you Rose Evans, and I want to know what it is.” Tyler held my gaze, he said it softly, so that no one else could hear him.

“There’s nothing special about me. I am a normal seventeen year old girl.” I placed my elbows on the table and leaned in towards him a bit.

“That’s the cover. I want to open up the book.” Tyler’s eyes searched mine. He was so different than how he had been.

“I’m not special. I like to shop and have friends, just like any other girl.” I leaned in just a bit closer, it was like there was a magnetic pull bringing me closer to him.

“That’s the cover, that’s the normal part of you. There’s something underneath, something deep inside, and I want to be the one to find it.” Tyler impulsively grabbed my hand and I didn’t pull away, he had me mesmerized.

“Okay, but you have to admit that you were at my window last night and that you followed me here.” I reasoned with him, I saw his eyes flash.

“Fine, but that’s only because I wanted to get to know you, the real you.” He chuckled and let go of my hand, I shook my head.

It was if a thick fog had gathered around my brain when he had started talking, now that he had stopped it slowly dissipated.

“Meet me tonight after your date, I’ll be at your house. I’ll wait for you. I’m good at that.” Tyler stood from the table and sauntered confidently out of the little café.

I was left alone again. Everything around me had a sort of electricity about it, like the air was alive. My heartbeat was faster than usual, I was totally wired. I watched Tyler walk down the street, his pace was fast, he looked like he had somewhere to go.

I didn’t have anything to do, so I decided to walk over to Monica’s house, she was used to me dropping by, she wouldn’t mind.

The weather had warmed up a bit so the walk to Monica’s wasn’t too terrible. I knocked on her door, with my luck she’d still be asleep or something.

Monica came to the door, thankfully she was fully dressed and made up, she must’ve had plans with Andy.

“Hey, want to hang out here for a while?” I smiled and stepped inside her warm house.

“Yeah, sure, I am so bored. Andy and I had breakfast today, but other than that I have, like, nothing to do.” Monica flicked her brown hair over her shoulder and flopped down onto her couch.

“Yeah. Ritter was wondering if you want to have a double date tonight?” I sat down beside her as she flipped through the channels on her huge TV.

“Yeah, sounds like a plan.” Monica settled on the Hills and we watched Lauren Conrad live the life of many girl’s dreams. Thankfully Brody Jenner was in this one, so we had something to drool over.

“Her life is like so fake.” Monica sighed when the ending credits rolled across the screen.

“Well, yeah. It’s reality TV.” I laughed at the irony of what we had just said.

“So, how was your little date with Ritter?” Monica elbowed me playfully in the side.

“He was totally sweet, but it didn’t last long. He had to go to work.” I shrugged. Monica hugged me sympathetically.

“So you sat there alone for a while?” Monica looked at me, she was totally against sitting somewhere alone.

“No, not exactly.” I had hoped to avoid mentioning Tyler to Monica, after all I had Ritter and I couldn’t be hanging around with some guy I barely knew.

“What do you mean? Either you were alone or you weren’t.” Monica laughed, and I guess she was right.

“No, I wasn’t alone, okay?” I snapped irritably, now I would have to tell her all about Tyler.

“Oh my god! Who were you with?” Monica asked me excitedly hopping up and down on the couch.

“This guy named Tyler. I met him last night and he happened to be there. We just chatted a bit, until I decided to come here.” I shrugged. I know it’s wrong to lie, but what was I supposed to say? She would be totally freaked if I said I was meeting him and he had been outside my window.

“Oh wow. Ritter must be jealous. Is this Tyler guy hot?” Monica asked me, she loved gossip.

“He’s okay. Not really our type. More of an emo.” I wish Monica would leave it at that and surprisingly enough, she did.

“Okay, so what are you wearing tonight?” Monica asked me, totally changing the subject.

She’s the best.
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