I Don't Bite...Often


I was just putting in my one pair of diamond earrings when the doorbell rang, Ritter was five minutes early as usual. I grabbed my purse and made sure my hair had retained it’s soft waves.

“Hey, let’s go.” I smiled at Ritter and walked out the door towards his Nissan Altima, I was in love with his car.

“Slow down tiger!” He grabbed me playfully around the waist and turned me around. His lips met mine and we kissed for a couple minutes.

I giggled when we separated and jogged to his pretty car. It was nice and warm. Ritter got in the driver’s side and put his arm around my shoulders as we drove along.

“So, have you seen that guy lately?” Ritter asked as we drove through the streets.

“Ritter, it’s been one day. No I haven’t actually.” I leaned into Ritter’s arm.

“Well, you never know babe. Calm down.” He chuckled as he parked outside of Andy’s huge house.

I got out of the car and we headed up to his front door, Ritter knocked and we waited a couple of minutes. Monica and Andy had probably been making out in his room, which was on the complete opposite side of the house.

“Hey guys.” Andy gestured for us to come in as he smoothed down his hair.

“Dude, keep it in your pants.” Ritter punched Andy playfully in the arm, Andy just laughed and headed towards the kitchen.

“Okay guys, popcorn or chips?” Andy asked us.

This was usually the big argument between us. Monica and I always wanted popcorn, but the guys always wanted chips.

“Popcorn!” Monica and I cheered in unison. The guys just shrugged and took both, that’s how it usually ended.

“Okay guys, we’re watching The Butterfly Effect!” Monica cheered as she picked out the movie.

There was a chorus of groans from us. We always took turns choosing the movie and Monica always chose the butterfly effect. I have seen this movie millions of times.

“Let’s watch something a little bit newer babe.” Andy tried to persuade Monica, but I knew that she would insist that it was her turn and we had to watch what she chose.

“But it’s my turn.” Monica pouted and leaned into Andy, I could tell he would give in, he always did.

Monica started the movie and for the next two hours we watched Ashton Kutcher dissect and change his life.

About halfway through the movie Ritter started to make out with me, I happily obliged. From the corner of my eye I saw Andy try to kiss Monica, but she pushed him away, she was really into the movie.

“It’s just so sad that Ashton Kutcher is so tortured.” Monica sighed as she walked Ritter and I to the door.

“Yeah Monica, it’s a real tear jerker. Bye guys!” I said as Ritter and I walked out the door.
“Well that was fun.” Ritter said as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

“Mhmm.” I smiled and caught his lips with mine, he tasted like Orange Crush.

“I love you so much.” Ritter said as he kissed me right before I got out of the car.

“I love you too.” I giggled, Ritter patted my butt as I shut the door and jogged to my house.

He waved and I waved back, he never drove away until I was at my door. I watched him turn the corner then I went around to the side of my house.

“Tyler! Where are you!” I whispered loudly into the night air.

I could hear some rustling in the trees and soft footsteps on the ground.

“Yeah, I’m right here.” Tyler didn’t whisper at all, and I guess there wasn’t really a need to, it was only about ten o’clock.

“Okay, so you wanted to meet me here?” I asked him, I had no idea what he could possibly want.

“Yeah, remember I want to open you up and read you. I don’t just want the front cover.” Tyler grabbed my hand, but not violently, and we walked down the cold streets.

I pulled my winter coat tighter around me, that’s when I noticed he was only wearing a hoodie, he must be freezing.

“Aren’t you a little bit cold?” I asked him, he looked perfectly fine, but wasn’t that like impossible?

“Should I be?” He asked me. I had no idea what to say to that. Either he was cold or he wasn’t cold, it was an easy question.

“Well, yeah of course. It’s like twenty below out here!” I gestured around myself, I probably looked like an idiot.

“Oh okay. Well then, yeah of course I’m cold! Brr.” He shivered and rubbed his hands up and down his arms, obviously faking it.

“Oh, whatever.” I laughed and pushed him away from me a bit. He laughed too.

“So, anyways. What do you do in your spare time Rose?” Tyler asked me, again he looked into my eyes and the air crackled with electricity.

“I hang out with my friends and boyfriend I guess.” That was only partly the truth. No one knew that I liked to read or that I sometimes wrote stuff, kind of like a journal.

“That’s all you do? You just hang out with people?” Tyler raised his eyebrow. Clearly he didn’t believe me.

“Well, I do like to read, and I have this sort of journal thing…” I trailed off, I had never shared that information with anyone before.

“I knew there was something more to you. I knew you weren’t just another clone.” Tyler smiled happily, as if he had just found gold or something.

“A lot of people read and write, it’s not a big deal.” I felt myself blush and try to shrug it off.

“I just learned another thing. You’re shy, you try to hide it, but you are.” Tyler stopped walking and tilted my chin up.

“You don’t have to be embarassed around me. Just be yourself. I won’t judge you.” He smiled and kept his fingers interlaced with mine.

“That’s what all the guys say.” I searched his eyes, I wanted so badly to believe him.

“I’m not exactly like all guys.” Tyler smiled mischievously, his eyes held a playful glint.

“And why not? Are you gay?” I asked him playfully, I was already so comfortable around him.

“No, not even close. You’ll never guess it.” He stopped again and I turned to face him.

“You’re not going to tell me something so clichéd like you’re romantic and you like long walks on the beach?” I giggled and pushed some hair out of his beautiful eyes.

“I’m actually, according to most people, not all that in to sunlight. I could go all Twilight on you and run with you on my back or save you from a car, but I hate those books.” Tyler whispered and pushed my hair behind my ear.

“What are you trying to say?” I pulled slightly away from his face, I could feel the romance getting a little more zapped.

“I’m trying to say that I’m not exactly the same as your boyfriend. I’m trying to say that I’m kind of a vampire.” Tyler let me pull away.

I could feel my instincts telling me to run, but I didn’t want to, I didn’t care if Tyler was a vampire. Before I knew it the pavement was speeding by beneath my feet, my fear had propelled me away from him, or at least it had tried to. I felt something, Tyler, pick me up and come to an abrupt stop.

“I was hoping to not pull anything remotely like Twilight.” He said quickly, and then he grabbed my face and kissed me.

I had seen fireworks when Ritter had kissed me, but when Tyler kissed me I could feel, hear, and see fireworks. The air around me was electrified, I was electrified.

When Tyler pulled away I didn’t feel any fear, I felt warmth. It was if something was spreading, like the song Bubbly, it was completely true.

“I like the Twilight books.” I giggled as I placed my head on his shoulder, I couldn’t believe I had only met him yesterday.

“They’re really clichéd.” Tyler shrugged.

“This isn’t right, I have a boyfriend, I really shouldn’t be kissing you, or feeling like this.” I said as I absentmindedly ran my finger up and down his chest.

“Yeah, well there’s an easy solution to that.” Tyler laughed and lifted my face to look into his eyes.

“I can’t dump Ritter, he thinks that we’re meant to be, we were supposed to get married!” I insisted, but I knew that as soon as Tyler asked me to, I would melt, I couldn’t lose him, it was like we were magnetized.

“If you like me, you really shouldn’t lead him on any longer than you have to.” Tyler sighed and lightly kissed my forehead.

“Can I get your number? So I can call you?” I asked Tyler, if I dumped Ritter I would need to talk to Tyler, it would be so hard.

“Yeah definitely.” Tyler handed me his phone and I handed mine his.

“I’ll call you tomorrow after I’ve talked to Ritter.” I told him and gave him a hug.

“Okay, sounds like a good idea.” Ritter smiled and gave me one last kiss before I walked back down the street.

I knew what I had to, but it definitely wouldn’t be easy. I was, and maybe still am, in love with Ritter, but with Tyler it’s just so, alive.

I walked up to my bedroom and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Ritter would be so upset, we had had our whole life planned out and I was ruining it all, but I had to.

I quickly dialed Ritter’s number. He picked up before the first ring was even done.

“Hey babe. It’s late, is something wrong?” Ritter’s voice was concerned and caring, the perfect voice for a boyfriend to have.

“I was just wondering if you would meet me at Nutbean’s tomorrow morning at around ten o’clock?” I made sure to put a smile in my voice, so that Ritter wouldn’t know beforehand.

“Yeah, sure, definitely. Good night babe. I love you.” Ritter sounded so sweet, it would be so hard.

“Good night.” I said quickly and hung up, I knew Ritter was probably staring at his cell phone in confusion wondering why I had hung up so hastily and why I hadn’t said I love you.

I crawled into my warm bed, welcoming sleep with wide open arms, of course it wouldn’t come.

Life had gotten complicated fast.
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