I Don't Bite...Often


“Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this?” Tyler paused just outside the door, I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, for the millionth time, I’m sure.” I laughed and wrapped my arm around his waist so he would feel more at ease.

Tyler knocked on the door and exchanged some words with a guy. The door swung open and Tyler and I were ushered in quickly. I looked around me. Lights were flashing different colors and the music was pounding so hard that it reverberated through the floor. There were couples dancing and couples sitting in the booths around the dance floor. The Hole looked like any other club, even though it was for vampires.

“Tyler, I’m sorry but I don’t know how this is a vampire club.” I looked around for some sign of vampirism, but there was absolutely none.

“I told you that our clubs were almost exactly the same. The only difference is that some of the drinks here can be laced with blood.” Tyler shrugged and I cringed.

“Why would you want a drink to be laced with blood?” I asked him, the idea totally freaked me out.

“Well, I’m a vampire. We kind of need blood.” Tyler laughed and I blushed. I guess I had forgotten about that little fact of vampirism.

“Oh yeah. You don’t drink human blood do you?” I asked him, I really hoped he didn’t because I would be a little bit scared.

“No! Of course not! That would be really disgusting! I only drink animal’s blood, vampires stopped drinking human blood a long time ago.” Tyler tried to steer me towards the door.

“Are we leaving already?” I tried to stop, but he kept pulling me along. Him and his stupid super vampire strength.

“Yes. I don’t like you being in here, it makes me nervous, and if the…” Tyler’s sentence was cut short when the music abruptly stopped. “Boss finds out. Shit it’s too late.” Tyler walked faster and I did too, the sudden stop in the music kind of scared me.

“Where are you going young vampire?” A guy, he looked about twenty five, stopped Tyler and I at the door.

“We don’t want to stay here any longer.” Tyler tried to shrug it off but his arm was really tight around my waist.

“You mean you and you’re human?” The guy, who I was guessing was a vampire, spit out the last word like it tasted foul or something.

“Yeah, so what if she’s human? It’s happened many times before.” Tyler tried to get around the guy, but it was near impossible, I felt panic starting in my brain.

I couldn’t help but wonder what vampires did to humans that knew about them. Would they kill me? Would they erase my memory like the Men In Black? Or, maybe even worse, would they turn me into a vampire too? I could feel my mouth going dry, my legs felt weak, so I leaned more into Tyler. I could feel him tense up and hold me closer. I closed my eyes and didn’t focus on anything but his warmth, yes vampires have body heat, and his wonderfully tight grip.

“Tyler, although it’s happened we always have to make sure the human is loyal or we have to kill them, or put them through the change.” The guy gave Tyler a stern, but not exactly a mean, look.

“She’s loyal, Max, I promise you that much. She just broke up with her very close boyfriend whom she loved very much to be with me. I don’t question her loyalty.” Tyler’s eyes were blazing with anger, and it made me happy that he would stick up for me.

“That proves her loyalty to you, not her loyalty to us.” Max stepped closer and I could feel my panic growing.

“She won’t do anything.” Tyler’s grip was getting really tight.

“You know what you have to do Tyler.” Max gave Tyler a look before walking away and letting us leave.

Tyler started to walk quickly and I had no objections to it. We got out and I gulped in some air, I had been so scared that they would hurt me, or Tyler.

“Are you happy we went now?” Tyler sounded pretty mad, I just hope that we could be left alone now.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know that you’d get in trouble for being with me!” I leaned into him and kissed his soft cheek, that’s another thing Twilight got wrong, vampires felt and sounded just like humans.

“It’s not me that’s in trouble now Rose. It’s you.” Tyler sighed, I could hear the sadness in his voice. My heart clenched, I couldn’t hear what he had to say, I was too afraid.

“Is it really bad?” I swallowed, my mouth was so dry and my legs felt like rubber.

“Well, he wants me to, Rose this is hard to tell you, but he wants me to turn you.” Tyler stopped and looked me in the eyes as he said it. I could feel the tears, but I wouldn’t let them come, he couldn’t know I was so afraid.

“I’ll do anything. I need you Tyler. There’s no way I would ever tell anyone anything about this. They’d just lock me up in the crazy house anyways.” I grabbed both of his hands and heard his audible sigh of relief.

“Is that enough for you Max? Do you believe her?” Tyler called out to the empty street we were on. I looked around, but I couldn’t see anything.

“Thank you Tyler. You did that perfectly.” Max smiled warmly and Tyler looked so relieved.

“Okay, wait. What the hell is going on?” I looked between the two guys. Tyler was sheepish, so he had known what was going on the entire time!

“I really didn’t want to bring you to The Hole and I had no intention of telling Max, but that’s the evaluation. He catches us and then I have to tell you that you have to be changed, we see how you take it and then we decide what to do. Don’t worry you’re fine.” Tyler smiled and embraced me. At least they didn’t have to change me, not yet at least.

“It’s okay, you only gave me a mild heart attack.” I punched Tyler playfully in the arm. I was just so happy that we weren’t in danger.

“Well I’ll leave you two alone.” Max smiled and ran off into the night, well I couldn’t really see him because he was moving so fast so I assumed he ran.

“Oh my god you scared me! I almost fainted in the club!” I cried as soon as I thought Max would be gone.

“I know, I was ready for that. I got your back. I’m sorry, but he caught us. It’s just the rules.” Tyler shrugged and we walked towards my house.

“Well, I guess it’s alright. You just have to repay me.” I said slyly, Tyler looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

“You’re coming back with me to my house and we’re watching The Notebook, and maybe some other movies.” I laughed and, well he didn’t look disgusted, but he didn’t exactly look excited.

“I guess I could think of worse punishment than sitting alone in the dark with you for a couple of hours.” Tyler laughed and pulled me into him.

“Who says it will only be a couple of hours?” I raised an eyebrow and smiled devilishly at him.

“I think I like the sound of that. Thanks for the punishment.” Tyler kissed my lips quickly before we walked into my house.

I looked around for my parents, but they weren’t anywhere downstairs. They must have already gone to bed, perfect. I searched around the house for The Notebook, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.

“I can’t find it.” I sighed and sat beside Tyler on the couch, he had been sitting there watching me the entire time.

“That’s too bad. I can think of lot’s of other things we can do though.” Tyler smiled, pushed my hair back and kept his hand on the back of my head.

“I think I know what you’re thinking, and I might just agree.” I smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

We had been kissing for a while, his hands were intertwined in my hair, my hands were anywhere they went, when I felt something stuffed between the cushions. I pulled away slowly and reached deeper, I pulled out The Notebook.

“Why was this stuffed in between the cushions?” I looked at Tyler and he smiled innocently.

“I went really fast, found it and hid it so we could have a little us time. I thought you might like it.” Tyler smiled and grabbed The Notebook, he obediently put it in the DVD player.

“You’re a bad boy Tyler Cross.” I laughed and snuggled into his arm on the couch.

“Well, what can I say, I’m just not all that into this movie, but I am into you.” Tyler smiled and pulled me closer.

I reached for the remote that sat on the coffee table and paused the movie.

“Tyler, you know how there’s lots of vampire stories out there?” I turned to Tyler.

“Yeah. A lot of them are really wrong, but they do get some stuff right.” Tyler shrugged and tried to reach for the remote again.

I reached out and grabbed Tyler’s hand. “What of those theories are true?” I was so curious and he hadn’t really told me anything.

“Well, we do need blood, the temperature feels maybe two degrees hotter, but nothing noticeable. The only thing that kills us is cutting our heads off, which is really hard. We all do have one special ability, but I haven’t gotten mine yet.” Tyler sounded disappointed when he told me the last fact, it must suck to have to wait to find out what it is.

“Why haven’t you gotten yours yet?” I asked him, he looked kind of embarassed.

“I don’t know, maybe I’m not a strong enough vampire. Maybe I’ll never get one.” He tried to shrug it off, he did that a lot, but I could tell that it bugged him, he was a strong guy and he hated feeling otherwise.

“Awe, don’t worry, maybe it just takes a while!” I cuddled in and ran my hand through his smooth hair.

“Yeah, maybe. I don’t know, I just hope I get something.” Tyler looked at me and smiled. He reached for the remote and turned the movie back on.

I didn’t see too far into the movie. Tyler smelt so good, you know like that one Axe, the only one that smells good. I inhaled it and laid my head on his chest, his hand rubbed up and down my arm rhythmically it soothed me to sleep.

It was the best time I’ve ever had watching The Notebook.
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Okay yeah i know it's a filler.
Perrtyyy please comment even if you don't like it!

Thanks to all of my subscribers and readers :)