I Don't Bite...Often


I took in my little sister. Her blonde hair, her soft brown eyes. She was short too, just like me. She’s about five feet, I’m only about five foot four. She was so cute and so beautiful, I wish she could live with me.

“Rose!” Nicky cried and jumped lightly into my arms, she was so little.

“Hey Nicky, I’m sorry I haven’t been to see you in so long!” I felt terrible, but I knew Nicky would understand.

“That’s alright!” She smiled brightly and looked behind me. “Who’s he?” She asked as she pointed at Tyler, he was just standing there behind me looking kind of nervous or something.

“Nicky, this is Tyler. I really wanted you two to meet each other.” I pulled Tyler forward, presenting him to her.

“Hi Nicky, my name’s Tyler.” Tyler smiled, he looked so tall compared to my little sister. Tyler is about six foot four, a whole foot taller than me.

“Hi Tyler.” Nicky smiled and turned towards me. “Where’s that other guy you told me you’d let me meet one day?”

“Oh, that’s Ritter, him and I broke up a few days ago, that’s when I met Tyler.” I smiled and turned towards my grandmother again.

“Rose dear!” My grandma hugged me tightly towards her, she’s average height, about five seven. “He’s quite the handsome young boy, nice eyes.” My grandma whispered quickly in my ear before letting me go.

“Thanks grandma, I’m glad you think so.” My grandma was a great person and I was so happy that she liked Tyler.

One reason I never brought Ritter is because I didn’t think grandma would like him, he would remind her too much of my father. That gave me the shivers, thinking that Ritter was like my father, but it was true. My grandma loved differences and Tyler was really cute.

“So dear, what brings you and Tyler here?” Grandma asked as she walked us to her little living room.

“Well, dad was kind of surprised to see Tyler at our house rather than Ritter today.” I confessed to my grandma, I heard a sharp intake of breath from Nicky and my grandma’s eyes widened.

“Oh my god, Rose did he hurt you? Did he strike you?” My grandma looked over my face and arms again, making sure that she hadn’t missed any fresh bruises or cuts.

“Well, he tried to, he was mad about Tyler, and he grabbed my arm, he was about to hit me when Tyler ran in and stopped him.” I grabbed Tyler’s hand so he knew I appreciated it.

“I knew you were a good boy! Thank you so much!” My grandmother cried and embraced Tyler tightly, he hugged back and laughed a bit.

“It was the least I could do, I wasn’t about to let Rose get beat up by her own dad!” Tyler squeezed my hand tightly and I felt shivers go up my spine, he was so awesome.

“Well, I bet that Ritter fellow would’ve just let it happen, he’s exactly like your father. The one time I met him I didn’t like him.” My grandmother said as she crossed her arms across her chest and stuck her nose up defiantly in the air.

My grandma was so funny. She had only met Ritter once, and he had been perfectly polite but she had always sensed something wrong about him, something supremely off.

“Well nothing to worry about now, grandma. He’s so over and done with, although he has become kind of obsessive.” I remembered the night I had phoned Ritter and he had told me that he would wait for me forever.

My grandma got a look on her face, one I can’t even explain. “Obsessive how darling?” My grandma asked me suspiciously, what was she trying to figure out?

“Well…he said that I’m his one true love and that he’ll wait for me forever.” I could feel my cheeks blazing, I could swear that I heard Nicky say something along the lines of “that’s so romantic”. Tyler looked at me in surprise, I had forgot that I had never told him about that.

“Oh dear, that’s not very good now is it?” My grandma stood up, she looked nervous.

“Grandma, where are you going?” I asked her as she walked away.

“Oh just going to get you some cookies dear, I’ll be right back.” She smiled and walked off.

“Okay , Nicky what’s grandma’s deal?” I turned towards my little sister who was sitting in a big comfy chair.

“How am I supposed to know? You know how she is, she’s spontaneous, when she gets an idea she runs with it.” My sister shrugged, and she was right.

My grandma’s full name is Marlisa Montgomery, my mom’s maiden name. My grandma is a super popular author, she writes anything that pops into her head, it’s actually pretty funny to watch her write, she yells and gestures wildly, it’s like watching a play or something.

“I think you’re grandma seems pretty cool. For one thing she doesn’t shudder when she sees how I dress like most older people do.” Tyler laughed, at least he liked two members of my family, well I guess if you counted me that was three.

“Here you are!” Grandma bustled in with a huge plate of cookies, she didn’t care about cavities and all that, lucky Nicky. “I’ll be right back, I just have to make a quick phone call.” Grandma smiled and hurried out of the room. Her white curls bounced on her head and her long gypsy style dress fluttered around her delicate feet.

“Who could she possibly be phoning?” I thought to myself out loud.

I stood up off of the loveseat Tyler and I were sitting at. Tyler reached out for my hand, but I pushed it off. I walked across the soft carpet and into my grandma’s kitchen. She was leaning against the marble counter top, I was just barely out of her sight. The phone was pressed tightly to her ear, she was holding it so tight that her knuckles were white against her soft peach colored skin. I could hear her mumbling, I couldn’t tell who she was talking to though.

“Yes…yes I know. Please just calm down…I know it’s early, darling…please just breathe. I’m going now…yes they’re here right now…I’ll talk to you later tonight…don’t worry.” My grandma’s conversation gave me absolutely no information as to why she’s so worried that Ritter is obsessed, what’s her deal?

She sighed and hung up the phone. She looked older in that instant. The wrinkles around her eyes were more defined and her face was creased with worry, why was my grandma acting so weird?

I hurried back to the couch before grandma saw me, she wouldn’t be impressed if she found out I had been spying on her.

“Where did you go?” Tyler whispered, he turned his face into my hair so that Nicky wouldn’t be able to hear.

“I went to see what my grandma was doing, she seemed worried. She was talking on the phone with someone, they must’ve been upset because she was telling whoever it was to calm down and that she’d call them later tonight.” I turned my head towards him as I did so as well.

“Do you have any idea who she was talking to?” He asked me just before my grandma walked into the room.

I shook my head as my grandma sat down and grabbed a chocolate cookie.

“You’ve hardly touched the cookies! Eat them, god knows I don’t need them!” Grandma laughed, but she did. My grandma is so skinny, but it does suit her, she doesn’t look disgusting or anything.

Nicky dug hungrily into the cookies, she had always loved them. I remember when she was about four and my mom would bake cookies, she would always eat them while they were hot and burned her tongue, then she’d cry and my mom would give her even more cookies. Those were the days when my dad was actually nice to us and we were a normal family.

“Hey grandma? Do you mind if Tyler and I take Nicky for a walk?” I asked my grandma, I put on my sweet and innocent faced that I used with my dad, it never failed.

“Of course not dear! Go right ahead!” Grandma smiled and waved us off.

Nicky looked excited as she pulled on her big winter jacket, mittens and hat, my grandma stood there to make sure that she wore all of these things.

“Why do I have to wear such a big jacket and a hat? Look at Rose! All she has is a little jacket and a pair of little mittens!” Nicky whined at my grandma.

“Do you have a boy going with you to hold your hand and keep you warm?” My grandma challenged Nicky I laughed as Tyler wrapped his arm tightly around my waist. Ritter never would’ve done that in front of my grandma.

Nicky just sighed and followed Tyler and I out of the house. I didn’t even realize how long we’d been at my grandma’s. It was about five and Nicky had to be back by six for supper. The streetlights were on and snowflakes shimmered in the darkness. The stars overhead were beautiful and they helped to calm my racing mind. It was so nice to be out here with my boyfriend and little sister, but then I remembered why I had needed to get her alone with Tyler and I.

“Where are we going?” Nicky asked me excitedly, I’m guessing that she didn’t get out much.

“We’re going to go to a coffee shop, it’s called Nutbean’s.” I smiled at my little sister.

“I’ve heard of that place! It’s supposed to be really pretty inside!” Nicky walked a little faster and I ruffled her hair and took her hat off.

“I won’t tell grandma that you didn’t wear this, it’s not exactly at the height of fashion.” I laughed as I looked at Nicky’s bright orange hat with the pompom on top of it.

“Thank you!” Nicky laughed, Tyler smiled down at me, he knew I was happy and I’m guessing that it made him happy too.

Nutbean’s is in the center of the city, so no matter which way you walked it only took about fifteen minutes to get there. Tyler and I whispered back and forth while Nicky tried to catch snowflakes on her outstretched tongue.

“What do you want to talk to her about?” Tyler asked me as we walked down the deserted streets.

“I need to know who grandma’s calling, she’s going to have to be my little spy. I’m going to give her my cell and tell her to text us when she finds out who it is grandma’s calling.” I told him this in a hushed voice, I didn’t want to burst Nicky’s happy bubble.

“And how are you going to do that without making her feel used?” Tyler asked me as he raised one eyebrow, what a smartass.

“I’ll bring it up tactfully! I’m not a complete idiot.” I looked at him defiantly, he was so annoyingly cocky and smart, and I loved it.

“Oh will you know.” Tyler laughed and squeezed his arm tighter around my waist to signal that he was only kidding.

“Is that it?” Nicky asked excitedly as she pointed out the old style wooden sign hanging from Nutbean’s that proclaimed it’s name.

“Yeah, that’s it. That’s why the sign says Nutbean’s.” I laughed at Nicky, she just stuck her tongue at me and ran towards the little coffee shop.

Nutbean’s is on the corner of Miller Street. The building looks like it’s made of bamboo, but that’s just an effect, it’s really just painted concrete. The outside of the place looks like it belongs in Japan, but the outside looks like it belongs in India. It’s beautiful with the jewels and gauze and cushions and beanbags, I absolutely love it.

“It looks like something out of a movie.” Nicky sighed as she sat down in one of the big cushiony bean bag chairs.

“Yeah it is pretty nice.” I smiled. The waitress came over. Nicky ordered a hot chocolate and Tyler and I both ordered caramel cappuccinos.

“Is there like a law that says when you reach the age of seventeen you have to like coffee?” Nicky wrinkled her nose at mine and Tyler’s drinks.

“You’ll understand when you have to pull an all nighter, or get a nasty hangover.” I assured Nicky.

“No way. I will never stunt my growth with caffeine. I’m short enough thank you.” Nicky stated as she gulped her hot chocolate down.

“So, has grandma seemed a bit off to you lately?” I asked Nicky smoothly, I could hear Tyler laugh into his cup. I kicked him underneath the table.

“Only today she was a little weird, but no not really.” Nicky thought about it carefully.

“Do you know who she went to call? She seemed kind of upset.” I hoped Nicky would be able to tell us something, anything.

“No, I have no idea. I would kind of like to know though.” Nicky thought to herself.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea! Why don’t I give you my cell phone and Tyler’s number. I heard grandma say that she would call the person back later tonight, you can text us when you find out who it is!” I cried, I pretended to be surprised by my idea. Tyler choked on his coffee because he laughed, I just raised my eyebrow condescendingly at him.

“That sounds cool, I could do that.” Nicky nodded and set down her empty lime green glass mug with jewels glued on in random places.

“Okay here’s my cell phone, if you want to text just click on Tyler’s name in contacts and then hit send text message.” I showed Nicky quickly.

“Okay, maybe we should get back now. Grandma will be annoyed if we’re late for supper.” Nicky stood from her big beanbag and began to pull all of her winter wear back on.

Tyler and I stood, we hadn’t even taken our coats off.

“Wow, real smooth there Rose.” Tyler whispered as he pecked me on the cheek.

“Oh shut up you.” I laughed and kissed him back.

“Come on guys.” Nicky laughed at the sight of me and Tyler kissing each other.

We walked Nicky back, she seemed happy, and I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if she lived with us, would she be happy or would she be miserable? My bet is on the latter.

After fifteen minutes we reached my grandma’s house, I could see her watching for us out the window.

“Are you two staying for dinner?” Grandma asked me hopefully, she looked so excited that I just couldn’t say no.

Grandma had cooked steak and potatoes along with some vegetables, and a cheesecake for dessert. The whole meal was so much fun. Travis was like one of the family already, I just wished my parents were this hospitable to my boyfriends, but my grandma would have to do. The whole meal we laughed and talked about anything that popped into our heads.

“Do come back to visit us soon?” Grandma hugged me tightly, I was sad that we had to leave.

“Of course grandma! I’ll make sure I start coming every Saturday or Sunday to visit you two.” I smiled and hugged Nicky as well.

“You’re grandma and sister seem like really cool people.” Tyler commented as we got in the car.

“Yeah, I love them so much. You sleeping over again?” I asked him.

“How about you sleepover at my house?” Tyler asked me as he pulled me closer to him as we drove through the darkness.

“Sounds like a good idea, but we should wait at my house until after the phone call in case it’s important.” I suggested as Tyler pulled into my driveway.

“Yeah, then you can come over and we can watch a few good movies.” Tyler smiled and turned the car off.

“My dad probably isn’t home yet. He usually goes to the bar after work, my mom will be there though. She’s nice enough.” I shrugged as we walked up the front side walk.

I opened the door to my mom sitting on the couch knitting and watching TV, I could only hope that she would like Tyler as much as Nicky and grandma did.
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Hope you guys like it :)

Sorry if it seems a little slow :P

Comment and all that jazz!
