Someday a Wish Should Come True

Silent Stalker

I watch him.

I sit and I wait. And I watch him.

I know where he's at every day, every hour, every second.

I know where he lives. I know where he sleeps. I know that he skips breakfast and that he only eats an actual dinner on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I know that he doesn't drive because he's too broke to pay insurance. I know that he hates the color yellow because it's too bright.

I know that his girlfriend's name is Jen. I know that every day after school, but before they go home, they sit in her car and make out for exactly twenty minutes. I know that he wears Superman boxers, in red and black, every Monday. I know that his favorite piece of clothing is his black trenchcoat and that he'd never walk out of his house without his hair being gelled perfectly.

I sit back from my little space and I watch him.

I watch him leave the house, and I follow him to school - I know the exact route by heart, I could walk it with my eyes closed. I have pictures of him in my room at home, I have a shrine dedicated to him. I have his phone number, I know his birthdate and his social security number.

I have all the same classes as him, I make sure of this every semester when I sneak into the office and find his schedule to make the appropriate changes to mine.

I know all these things about him, and he doesn't even know I'm there.

I thought I saw him look at me once, but turns out he looked right through me.

Tonight I will sit in his room and watch him sleep. I will lay with him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear, I will never be caught. When he wakes in the morning, he will remember my words but only as wind rustling through the bushes.

When I speak, he doesn't hear me. When I touch him, he doesn't feel me.

Everything would be so simple, if only I were alive.
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Thought of this during our conversation today Ash.