The Art of Seduction


Loud music blared through the loud speakers and bright lights in all colors flashed in the otherwise dark bar. Saturday night was on its full swing and everyone who could was at the one of the best bars in the whole city, drinking, dancing and just having fun.

Jesse Ramsey, age 26, was one of those people. It was his tradition to go to a bar on Saturday night. That way his friends couldn't complain how he never went out and stuff like that. The funny thing was that when his friends asked him to go out with them, they usually abandoned him by the bar and left him there for the rest of the night.

Jesse didn't mind, though. That only gave him the peace to check out the potential guys at the bar and wonder if he found someone cute enough to take back home with him.

This Saturday night was a slight disappointment. There wasn't a single guy that would've caught Jesse's attention. It had already been a few hours and Jesse was starting to get bored.

He gulped down the rest of his drink and got ready to leave when another man appeared beside him. Jesse lifted his head to regard the stranger blankly, slightly taken aback when he got a good look of the man's handsome appearance.

Jesse couldn't remember when was the last time he had met such a good-looking man. He had strong facial features, fantastic gray eyes which had a kind of misty look in them, thin lips which were curved into a subtle smirk and a small goatee.

Not only had he a gorgeous face, he had a body to die for. He was a bit taller than average, had broad shoulders and well-trimmed muscles. He was dressed in black shirt with red and white patterns on it, dark blue jeans and a worn out leather jacket.

Messy chestnut brown hair was the cherry on the top, completing his looks.

The man ran his eyes up and down Jesse's body, clearly liking what he saw. He licked his lips slowly as he brought his eyes to look into Jesse's hazel ones.

“Can I help you with something?” Jesse asked, feeling uncomfortable as the other kept staring at him.

The smirk on the stranger's face widened slightly. “Well, you could let me buy you another drink,” a husky voice responded, sending pleasant chills down Jesse's spine.

“Don't bother, I was just about to leave,” Jesse threw back and stood up from his barstool. In one swift move the other man stepped closer to Jesse, their bodies almost touching.

“Oh, that's a shame. Seems like I have to figure out a new plan,” he whispered in Jesse's ear, his tone low. Jesse placed his hand on the bar, needing something to lean on to as his knees went weak.

“Plan?” Slight furrow appeared on Jesse's forehead. What was this man up to?

The stranger flashed him a devilish grin. “My first plan was to buy you a drink and seduce you into coming home with me.”

The words shocked Jesse beyond belief. This was not one of the situations he was used to. Normally it was he who made the first move and took the dominating role. It unnerved him how the other was so straightforward.

“What makes you think your plan would've succeeded?” Jesse challenged, trying to regain some of his lost composure.

“Nothing. That's what makes this all so exciting.” Was the man's answer. He circled around Jesse leisurely, like a beast toying with its prey, not breaking the gaze between their eyes before he was standing right behind Jesse. “But even if my first plan failed, it wouldn't change the fact I want this,” he said and grabbed a hold of Jesse's hand, bringing it to touch his package, “rammed so deeply in your cute ass you'll pass out from pleasure.”

Jesse's heart skipped a beat and his breath hitched in his throat as blood started to rush south. Was this guy for real?

“And,” the stranger continued, “I know for sure that before this night ends, you'll be lying on my bed, naked and sweaty with all your most erotic sexual fantasies satisfied.”

Holy fuck, the nerve of this guy!” Jesse thought and desperately tried to stop himself from moaning in need. How was it possible that this man had so effortlessly reduced him into a horny and needy mess? The power he had over Jesse was frightening.

But despite that, Jesse decided to play along. He had a feeling this night would be something he couldn't forget.

“If you are so sure about that, then why are we still here?” This surprised the stranger, but he quickly covered it with another smirk.

“I knew you would comply. Let's go,” the man murmured and bit Jesse's earlobe gently before wrapping a strong arm around his waist, leading him out of the bar.

On their way out Jesse realized he didn't know his companion's name.

“Hey, what's your name?”

Once again the handsome stranger regarded him with a smirk on his lips. “Isaac Maddock, but tonight, you can call me your Master.”