You Got a Mouth Like a Razor Blade

The Rumour.

I’m that girl that no-one ever wanted. Not her parent’s, her grandparents, people at school… no-one. I was the outcast. The wrist-slitter. The emo. The goth. The girl who couldn’t walk down the corridor without the head Barbie, instantly turning to their group of their clones and starting something that would haunt me for the rest of my life. Whatever. I was that girl. And it pains me that I am only 17 and I still need to go there for another year. Stupid 6th form. The girl with the black hair and the ‘emo’ fringe. I never label myself. It makes me feel like a supermarket product that you can buy and return when you find out you don’t like it. Which in a nutshell…is my life. My parent’s didn’t want me. My adopted parent’s definitely don’t want me. My grandparents [adopted side] didn’t want me, they think I’m a bad influence to the other children around me. My retaliation being: ’Well their fucking stupid for using me as a role model anyway, aren’t they?’ Never really goes down well.
Teachers at school hate me. Everyone else in school hate me. Everyone hates, except one.
So yeah…I, Autumn Westbrook, am hated by all human beings, except one. The spawn of Satan. The kinda guy that no mother, no matter how bad, would ever let their daughter near…or their sons for that matter. The kinda guy that looks like a nice guy but is so far from it. The guy with the lip ring, the black hair in such an awkward style you wonder how he can be arsed with it in the morning, the guy with tight skinny jeans that sit unbelievably comfortably round their ass…you get the point. He was the best, and the worst, thing that could ever have happened to me. He’s my one and only friend, but he treats me like shit. He can take away my pain, but only after he’s caused it. He gives me the high that I need, but only when he’s forcefully given me it. He takes me everywhere he goes, but only so I can do his dirty work. For every good thing…there was a bad. I’m not his girlfriend, I’m not his fuck buddy. I’m just there. Ryan Laker and I are a package deal. It’s me and him and vice versa or nothing at all.
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Well...first chapter :)
Please, please tell me what you think of this & I know it probably won't make much sense at the moment but I already have the next chapter written up so hopefully that will start to clear a few things up :) And it will be on when I get some loverly comments XD
Right, love you all
Death Is A Promise.