You Got a Mouth Like a Razor Blade

Terrified To Speak But You'd Expect That From Me

“You can’t force me to go in there! Anything Ryan…I beg of you! Anything but this!” I cried, trying to walk away from him. It tore me up. They were my life, basically. Call me what you will…but that band meant everything to me.

“Yes I fucking can!” he hissed quietly, his attempts to not draw attention to us seemed to working as people sauntered past us, oblivious to what was going on right in front of their eyes. Tears fell thick and fast and I felt, once again, like a small child. No say in anything. And this seemed to be a gift…or a curse…that he possessed.


My cold, blistered feet trudged reluctantly along the path. My knees ached and my head pounded. My breath froze instantly on impact with the freezing air. The odd car whizzed past me on the otherwise deserted road: not a gas station nor a house in sight, just dark green, towering trees and the sense of being watched. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, my numb fingers fighting with the stiff material of my black, skinny jeans.

Fuck…” I mumbled, flipping it back shut, hiding away from the fact that I had no signal. My feet attacked the pavement. Every step I took got weaker and weaker until eventually I collapsed on the kerb, the back of my head connecting painfully with a small, random-ass bench. I ran my fingers through my bedraggled black fringe and sighed. I toughed the area surrounding my small lump on the back of my head but flinched as my fingers hovered over it. I heard the screech of someone’s tires but I never moved, and almost instantly forgot about it. The rev of the cars engine roared with the ferocity of a severely pissed off lion and I stumbled to my feet, looking up and down the dull road.
A black car came racing towards me. I jumped back, clumsily falling backwards with a rather painful thud on to the wooden bench beneath me. The drivers window scooted down and my heart skipped a beat. My breathing started to quicken and my lungs began to ache as a panic attack set in.

“You just gonna stand there gawking, panicking and cold or are you going to get in?” He said holding his hand out of his window, gesturing for me to get in the car. Well to be honest… what choice did I have? I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and began my cautiously and painful walk round the front of his car. His eyes burned into my skin and I was sure I could feel small holes appearing in my clothes because of the intensity of his stare. I pulled the door open and slid in, making sure I was as far away from him, that was physically possible inside a rather small car. He turned the key, still staring intently at me, and sped away down the road.

“What are you doing out here?” he asked, smirking.

“I…I ran away…” I mumbled, my voice barely audible but he still managed to here it. He laughed and I cowered further into the car upholstery.

“What did I tell you?” He said, the smugness on his face still present. I didn’t reply, just looked miserably out of the car window, everything flashing past in a blur. I knew he was expecting an answer but until he pushed me to the point where I could no longer ignore him, he wouldn’t get one.

“Stop ignoring me…we have a long time in this car together Autumn, and just remember who’s driving…” he growled. I flinched as he said my name and sighed.

“You told me that leaving you would be a mistake…” I grumbled, feeling like a small child. I smacked the top of steering wheel, obviously amused.

“Well done! And it was wasn’t it…yeah, we both know it was” As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. He was the biggest bastard known to man, probably the most ignorant as well but I felt a strange air of safety with him. With him, the only thing I had to fear…was him.

“How did you know where I was?” I asked, wondering slightly whether talking to him was the right thing to do. He placed his hand on my knee and it traveled at a steady speed up my thigh, my whole body tensing as it did so.

“Lucky guess…” he whispered, rather unnervingly.

---End of Flashback---

“Shall we not relive that day I found you shall we?” he spat at me. I immediately stopped thrashing around in his arms, the dreadful memories flooding back into my brain, “there’s a good girl…so are going to do this?” he asked quietly, his grip loosening slightly on my arms. I nodded, numb. I kissed my forehead and walked slowly away from me. I followed his footsteps with my eyes. He turned around and blew me a kiss which I ignored.

This could not be happening…
♠ ♠ ♠
Thankyou to the people that have read & commented...they mean everything to me :)
I know that maybe at the moment, things are a bit confusing but I promise that things will become clearer soon enough. I'm trying not to jump into things straight away as I have with my other stories :)
Just bear with me!

So please keep reading && please, please keep I've said it doesn't take long but it means so much to me!
Death Is A Promise.[/size