You Got a Mouth Like a Razor Blade

It Was Preordained That We Should Part.

I heard the drums. I heard the guitars and the bass. I heard his voice. Tears fell silently, but furiously, down my cheeks as I battled with the lock on the bus door. I heard it click and I swiftly pulled it open, shutting it just as quickly behind me, wiping at my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie, while doing so. My Bring Me The Horizon hoodie. Guilt ripped every fibre of my body open.
“I don’t even fucking know them!” I hissed angrily to myself, the darkness enveloping me, a few drops of light splattered onto the carpeted floor of the tour bus.. My little rant still didn’t shift the guilt though. It coursed round my body and shredded every cell it touched, numbing my whole body.
“Fuck sake, this is stupid…”I sighed, plopping myself on one of their couches and staring at my black Converse. I heard them begin to play ‘Pray For Plagues’ and I smiled to myself. It was one of my favourite songs. It sounded like it was right outside the door in the deserted bus, and it was relaxing. I flopped back onto the cushions, my head immediately feeling like a tonne of lead. I welcomed the comfort and my eyes began to close slowly, completely by themselves.

---Time Lapse---

I woke up with a start, a tightening pain around both of my wrists.
“Go…go away…” I mumbled, kicking at whatever was causing the pain.
“If you don’t wake up and get up right now…I will kill you!” His venomous voice, shattered the tranquility and sat bolt upright. His eyes were almost red and for the first time in his life…he looked panicked.
“The fucking gig has finished and they’ll be coming back soon…what the fuck did you think you were doing?!” Tears once again fell from my eyes.
“I’m sorry…I, I don’t know…I…” I heard a key being inserted. My breathing stopped and Ryan’s grip around my wrists loosened.
“I refuse to get caught for you…” He hissed.
“Dude, the door’s already unlocked…” My eyes strayed to the door, a small crack of light spilled through the door as someone opened it. My eyes spun back to meet Ryan’s fist. It hit my face with a sickening crunch and my legs lost all feeling and I crumbled to the floor with a loud thud.“What the fuck was that?!”
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Sorry about the wait & sorry about it being so short...I'll update sometime tomorrow :)
I hope you like it and comments = quicker, awesome updates!
Death Is A Promise.