You Got a Mouth Like a Razor Blade

I've Felt The Hate Rise Up In Me

My lip felt like puff pastry and something cold and hard was wrapped round both of my wrists.
Could this get any worse?! I groaned as someone pulled me up, rather more gently than what I expected if anyone lifted me up. I could hear muffled voices, but either way I didn’t recognize any of them, which meant…Ryan wasn’t in the bus anymore. Well I’m glad he got away.
“She’s away with the fairies…”
“Poke her.”
“I’m not fucking poking her!” I heard someone mumbling.
“She has to have the handcuffs on, as a precaution…” Oh, so that’s what the annoying little things on my wrists were.
“I don’t think she’s really in any state to jump on us and rape us do you?”
“Curtis? Why rape?”
“I don’t know…”
I struggled to open my eyes but eventually I could see a blurry vision of my unfamiliar surroundings, now including Bring Me The Horizon, Tom Sykes and some other guys I didn’t recognize. Another groaned, again, escaped my lips but this time it only drew attention to me. My stomach sank as soon as their eyes fell on me. I felt like I was walking Death Row. My eyes began to adjust slightly and realized it was much brighter than it was when I first entered and I could now make out two policemen.
“Shit…” I mumbled. I put my hands firmly either side of me and pushed as hard as I could. My body slowly lifted from the seat…but it only ended up with me slumping back to the floor as a sharp pain ripped through my head. I hit the floor and I heard feet run towards me.
“Craaaap! Are you alright?” My eyes had once again snapped back shut but this time…they refused to open, yet I didn’t have any trouble recognizing Mr. Sykes’ voice. It was unnerving how caring all their voices sounded. I wasn’t used to people caring about me…it wasn’t natural.
“Get…get...away…from…m-me…” I struggled to spit out, using every ounce of strength I had left to drag myself up. I managed to pull myself onto the couch and I decided to work from there.
“We’re gonna have to take her in”
“Is that really necessary?” There he was again.
“Yes.” I groaned as I felt a pair of arms lift me up as if I was nothing and to them, I probably wasn’t. By now, my eyesight was clearing, my head didn’t hurt so much when I moved and my strength had decided to make itself present.
“Put me the fuck down!” I kicked my legs at my captors but they didn’t seem to care.
“We are taking you to the police station for questioning, miss. Please calm down!” The one on my right said, his voice raised as he struggled to keep a hold of my arm.
“Calm down?! Fuck you! I am not a calm person!” I screamed at him, elbowing him painfully in the ribs. He gasped and released my arm, his partner letting go of me for a second to check on him, but it was long enough for me to run. My legs pounded on the floor of the bus and jumped down the stairs and out onto the pavements beneath me. My head pounded, the wind whipped through my hair, my eyes stung with salty tears and my wrists were raw from the tightly fastened handcuffs…but I refused stop.
In the dark, the city looked a whole lot different, especially since it was Wednesday it was practically deserted. I stopped and fell to my knees, my whole body completely numb and tears flooding down my cheeks for yet another time tonight.
Ryan! I fucking hate you! I fucking hate you…I hate you…” I screamed, my voice slowly trailing off as my voice bounced back and forth down the, well lit, back street. I crawled slowly to the wall and my head connected with the cold wall as more tears fell hopelessly down my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm super sorry for the shittiness of this chapter...I have no excuse for it so all I can say is that I will try to make it up to all of my loverly readers :)
Even though it's shitty...I'd still would like some comments off you because I'll keep saying it...they mean so fucking much to me! XD
So yeah...comments are. AWESOME!
Anyway, love
Death Is A Promise.