You Got a Mouth Like a Razor Blade

Do You Wanna Hold My Hand?

My breathing had calmed and tears had stooped. I had tried valiantly for 10 minutes to free my wrists from the reinforced steel of the handcuffs, which only resulted in my wrists being raw and they had started to bleed.
“Why? Why? Just why?” I mumbled to myself, another shot of pain ran through me but my body was so numb with the cold, it just felt like a dull ache.
In such a short space of time, everything had changed. Ryan had definitely over-stepped the mark this time. I was now wanted for burglary, even though I never actually touched anything other than their couch and the bus floor, and possibly assault of a police officer. Shame o the second one.

“Yeah…I don’t know why the fuck I am…I doubt she was gonna hurt us…don’t over-react…I’ll ring you if I find her…don’t fucking tell the police…fuck sake bye!” My breath caught in my throat as I heard their cell phone snap shut and their footsteps slow. I scrambled behind a large green wheelie bin, the handcuffs becoming a great hindrance…well more.

“Hello?” They called cautiously down the alley. I pushed myself further against the wall, the sharp pieces of rock digging into my skin. This was one of them moments where you wished you could just melt into nothing and escape, undetected to re-start a new life…that only ever happens in comic books though.

“Hello? Is there someone down here?” I heard their footsteps turn down the alley, glass crunching underneath the soles of their shoes. I tried to control my breathing and push myself further into the wall but something I find out is that…brick does not give. I shifted backwards, my already raw wrists catching on the handcuffs, causing me to breath in sharply, more tears escaping my eyes as the pain ran through my body. I heard a hand rest on top of the bin I was hiding behind. There shadow was cast down onto the floor in front of me and I squeezed my eyes shut.

“There you are…” A voice said gently. I plucked up enough courage to slowly unscrew my eyes and look at whoever was now staring at me. Their tight blue jeans fit snugly round their legs but my eyes carried on upwards to the strangers face. He was smiling. Now most girls in my position would probably have been screaming their heads off and all over him, however…this only made me more paranoid. He held out his hand for me to take but I just pushed myself further into the wall. He must have noticed my discomfort because he retracted his hand and kneeled down in front of me.

“I won’t hurt you, you know…and I won’t give you into the police either…” I relaxed ever so slightly. He kept slowly shuffling towards me.

“Why did you look for me?” I asked shakily, but it was understandable…just. I looked thoughtful and then eventually sighed.

“If I’m honest…I don’t know…you seem like a pretty awesome girl” he smiled, tugging gently on my hoodie sleeve. I tried to disguise my smile but obviously failed because his cute smirk just got bigger.

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I'm really sorry about the huge wait...I actually haven't had the greatest half term but it's no excuse :(
Anyway...this, I think, is kind crap but I don't can decide for yourselves :)
So comments would mean the world to me and I'll love you forever X)
Death Is A Promise.