Currently Untitled


“Oh my goddd I hate waking up so early all of a sudden!” Katie groaned. She was sitting at the lunch table with two of her best friends, Hannah and Lauren. “I miss sleeping in.” It was the first day back after their Christmas vacation, and everyone was exhausted. None of them had seen each other in the past two and a half weeks, so they had lots of stories to tell.
Lauren was shifting her fork through her food, and Katie sat with her eyes half closed, falling asleep.
“HOLY SHIT.” She suddenly sat bolt upright, interrupting Hannah’s story about New Years.
“What?!” Her friends both shouted in surprised. Katie, unable to speak, just pointed towards the lunch line at the other side of the cafeteria.
In the line, behind a group of preppy girls, stood a very tall boy wearing ripped jeans, a studded belt, and a shirt that said The Used on it. Most of his hair was black, except for the fringe hanging over his eyeliner-circled, which was pink and bleached.
All three girls just stared, open-mouthed.
“H-he’s gorgeous.” Lauren stuttered.
Both girls just nodded in agreement. They continued to watch, until he turned and saw the three of them, at which point they quickly turned away, and went back to talking.
“Oh my god.” Katie muttered.
“Wow.” Hannah agreed.
“He’s new… He’s gotta be, I’ve never seen him before…” Katie said thoughtfully.
“Yeah, me neither…” Lauren said, looking back at him again, smiling at him when he looked over (probably to see if they were still staring). Her heart did backflips when he smiled back.
The girls casually watched him as he went through the lunch line, making small talk about their vacations.
After he went through the line, the tall boy wandered through the cafeteria, tray in his hands, looking for someone to sit with. As he walked past their table, Lauren caught his eyes and smiled. Now that he was closer she could see that his eyes were an amazing icy shade of blue.
“C-can I sit with you guys?” he asked the three girls. As he asked, he Lauren right in the eyes, which caused her heart to melt.
“Of course.” Katie cut in with a grin.
The boy smiled, and sat down next to Hannah, across from Lauren.
“I’m Lauren.” Lauren said.
“I’m matt.” He said nervously.
“Hannah.” Katie said with her mouth full of mashed potatoes as she pointed at her friend. “Katie.” She pointed at herself and swallowed, the food.
Matt giggled.
“So, you new here?” Lauren asked him.
“Yeah, we just moved here over Christmas break.” Matt said, taking a bite of his food.
“We?” Hannah asked.
“Yeah… Me and my family…” he looked kind of surprised that she would ask this.
“Any brothers?” Katie asked slyly, a smirk on her face. “Sisters?”
Matt raised an eyebrow, but his only answer was to continue eating.
Hannah cleared her throat. If this were a movie, crickets would be chirping.
“So… where’d you move from?” Lauren broke the silence.
“Huh?” he looked up. “Oh, right… Ohio… Yeah, my dad got a job here, so… we moved.” He smiled.
“That’s really cool.” Lauren smiled. “Hey, um, I really like your lipring.” She said, pointing at her own lip. “I’ve been thinking of getting one done… did it hurt much?”
“Nah, not that much.” He grinned. “I got it done a couple years ago so I don’t remember though.”
“How old are you?” Hannah asked him.
“Seventeen.” He answered. “You?”
“Fifteen.” She answered with a smile. “Katie and Lauren are both seventeen though.”
“Yeah! Hannah’s ickle!” Katie grinned and patted her friend on the head.
Matt laughed. “Aw.”
The bell rang, stopping their conversation. “Oh shit. Uh, where’s…” Matt paused to pull a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolding it. “NB… 03?”
“Oh, that’s just down the hall.” Katie said.
“I can show you if you want.” Lauren offered, smiling at him.
“Sounds great, thanks…” Matt grinned. “I’m just gonna go put my tray away.” He went to do so, and the others followed suit.
“I’ve got English, in the other building!” Katie announced.
“Yeah and I have bio…” Hannah said. “See you later Lauren… bye, Matt.”
“Bye...” he said, as he and Lauren walked in the direction of his classroom.

“So, was it hard moving?” Lauren asked him, while they stood in front of the door, waiting for the second bell to ring.
“Yeah… I had to leave a lot of people behind, which was difficult… plus, it’s hard joining in the middle of the year, everyone’s already made friends, and you stick out like a sore thumb! Especially when you look like I do…” he frowned.
“But you already made friends too.” Lauren interrupted his thoughts.
He grinned. “Yeah. I did. Anyway… time for class… bye!”
“Bye!” Lauren grinned, and went to her classroom as well. She was disappointed, she had wanted to ask if he had had a girlfriend back there, if he still had one... but it wasn't something you just ask, especially not as everyone was rushing to get to class.