Currently Untitled

If You're Gone

Saturday, Eight PM sharp, the doorbell of Jess’ house rang. Jess, absent-minded as she was however, had completely forgotten about going to the dance with Ricky, and was upstairs running water for a bath.
Jess’ mom ran to the door, and was surprised to see a young boy with shoulder length hair, ripped jeans, and a Nirvana t-shirt, a sticker-covered skateboard in his arms.
“Uh, can I help you?” Jess’ mother asked.
“I’m here to get Jess.” He responded. “I brought transportation.” He held up the skateboard.
“Uh…” Jess’ mother just stood there. “And you are?”
“Ricky. Your daughter’s date to tonight’s dance at school.”
“She hasn’t mentioned anything.” Jess’ mom answered. “And… you intend on taking her on that?
“Strange, because she said yes to me. And no, I just brought it for decoration… you see, it makes a great conversation starter with the ladies.” Ricky responded in his usual smart-ass fashion, but for once immediately regretted it.
“Get out.” Jess’ mother said coldly. “And stay away. My daughter is not going to be seen with any wise-ass, run-down, long-haired PUNK!” she slammed the door in his face.
Ricky frowned, but knocked at the door again. Again, Jess’ mother opened the door, and when she saw it was Ricky, shouted, “Leave! NOW!” and slammed the door.

“Mom?” Jess called from the tub upstairs. “Who’re you shouting at?”
“Some punk kid with a skateboard, keeps knocking at the door.”
“OH SHIT RICKY!” Jess screamed, leaping out of the tub. “Why did you shout at him?!” she shouted, running downstairs in only a towel.
“He was offensive, disrespectful, and honestly I don’t want you going out with someone with longer hair than you!” She did a double take. “Wait, did you actually KNOW that boy?”
“Yes, mom. He’s really nice… he just… answers things without thinking?” she trailed off. “I dunno. But.” She smiled. “I haven’t known him long but I like him mom, kay? Now I’m going to the dance because we have to make sure Katie stays away from Travis. Bye.” Jess rushed upstairs and quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and a low-cut Alkaline Trio shirt. She ran a brush through her hair, scribbled on some eyeliner, and was back downstairs and out the door within five minutes. Much to her dismay, Ricky was no longer there when she got out. Not that she could blame him, the way her mom was screaming before. Rather than go home, Jess decided to go to the dance anyway, to at least see her friends. Well, Katie and Hannah. Lauren would be dancing with

“Your mother, Jessica, is an extremely frightening woman.” Jess heard a voice say as soon as she walked into the sports hall where the dance was being held. She turned to her left and saw Ricky standing there, leaning against the doorway. She grinned, and walked over to him.
“I’m so sorry about that…” She said, embarrassed. “I totally forgot about the dance tonight, and… yeah.” She looked down.
“Oh now that’s harsh, Jessica. The psychotic mother I can deal with, but forgetting about me? And here I thought I was memorable.”
In the dark of the dance hall, Jess didn’t see the laughter in his eyes. She looked down, biting her lip. “I’m sorry.” She muttered.
“Well you can make it up to me with a dance. Up close, preferably, a bit of grinding…” He winked.
Jess giggled. “I’ll dance with you, but I’m not so sure about that last part, ‘Mister Hayberg’. After all, as you very well know, I have a psychotic mother at home who doesn’t want me to be seen with any ‘wise-ass, run-down, long-haired punk’.” She said. Ricky smirked. He’d met his match, and he knew it. He took her hand, and led her onto the dancefloor. He put his hands on her hips, pulling her close. A few feet away, Matt and Lauren were in a similar position, but with a lot more tongue.

Katie and Hannah were leaned against the wall beside each other, watching their friends. Katie sighed. “I want one.” She muttered. “Do you think maybe…”
“No, Katie.” Hannah looked Katie directly in the eyes. “No. Don’t you fucking dare, Katie. He’s fucked you up so much. Don’t you dare, DARE go crawling back to that fucking scumbag.”
Katie bit her lip. “I guess you’re right.” She looked down.

Halfway through the dance, the group of friends were all standing together by the drinks. Ricky had his arm around Jess, but hadn’t tried to kiss her yet. A boy about a head shorter than the girls suddenly appeared in front of them.
“Hi, Lauren!” Sonny grinned. “Might I have this dance?” A slow song was blaring through the speakers.
Lauren laughed and looked from the twelve year old back to her boyfriend. Matt giggled and nodded.
“Don’t put too many moves on my woman, y’hear?” he joked, and pushed Lauren gently towards Sonny.
Lauren’s look shot daggers at Matt, but she followed Sonny to the dancefloor.
“You do realize that his head’s like, right at the height of her boobs, right?” Ricky asked. “You know he’s going to take advantage of that.” Just as he said that, Sonny leaned his head against Lauren’s chest, and she looked away, uncomfortable.


It was the last song of the night, and everyone was dancing with someone. Lauren with Matt (while Sonny watched them jealously), Ricky with Jess (he still hadn’t tried to kiss her), Hannah with this guy from her media class (he was cute, but was all hands.)
Well, almost everyone.
“One dance?” Katie heard a voice, and she looked up. Travis stood there awkwardly, and he pushed his fringe from his eyes. “No groping, no touching, no kisses, no commitment, no… nothing. Just a dance? I promise.”
Katie hesitated, but nodded. “Okay.” She muttered, and she leaned her head against his chest. He smelled so nice, and she moved even closer.
It wasn’t until Travis started singing along, whispering the lyrics in her ear, before she realized what song it was.

I think I've already lost you
I think you're already gone
I think I'm finally scared now
You think I'm weak - I think you're wrong
I think you're already leaving
Feels like your hand is on the door
I thought this place was an empire
Now I'm relaxed - I can't be sure

and I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need - this in my life
I think I'm scared - I think too much
I know it's wrong it's a problem I'm dealing

If you're gone - maybe it's time to come home
There's an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If you're gone - baby you need to come home
,oh come home
There's a little bit of something me
In everything in you

I bet you're hard to get over
I bet the moon just won't shine
I bet my hands I can stay here
I bet you need - more than you mind

and I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need - this in my life
I think I'm just scared - that I know too much
I can't relate and that's a problem I'm feeling

If you're gone - maybe it's time to COME home
There's an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If you're gone - baby you need to come home,
oh come home
There's a little bit of something me
In everything in you

I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need - this in my life
and I think I'm scared - do I talk too much
I know it’s wrong it's a problem I'm dealing

If you're gone - maybe it's time to come home
There's an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If you're gone – Hell, baby you need to come home
There's a little bit of something me
In everything in you, everything in you.

Katie looked up at Travis after the song ended, and both had tears in their eyes. Travis leaned back down. His lips tickled her ear. “I love you. I fucked up. But I love you.”
Katie backed away, shaking her head. “No.” she whispered. “Don’t do this, Travis.” She turned and ran from the dance room, down to the bus stop to wait for both her friends and the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song: If You're Gone- Matchbox 20