Currently Untitled

Loose ends

“You are a sad, sad human being.” Travis Richter heard a furious voice behind him, and he spun around to see Hannah standing there. “You have some sick fucking problem, you know that. Telling girls such bullshit. What is it about Katie?! What is it that makes you want to fuck with her head like this? What is it that makes you want in her pants, more than other girls’?! I hope you get your nuts chopped off with a meat cleaver, Richter. If you talk to her again- no- if you even go anywhere near Katie again in your entire life, Richter, I will personally assure you that you will never get it up of any girl again, even if she’s stark-fucking naked and waving her tits in your face.” She spun on her heel and stormed away, muttering “fucking jackass” under her breath.


“So have you and Ricky made out yet?” Katie asked Jess as the two of them sat at the lunch table, waiting for the others to get there.
“No!” Jess whined. “He hasn’t even tried to kiss me yet. I mean, he’s like… a fucking girl.”
“Why don’t you try kissing him?” Katie asked.
“Nah…” she muttered. “I mean, I want to, oh GOD I want to… we hung out all Sunday at the mall and skate park, we have so much in common… he put his arm around me at both places, but he didn’t hold my hand, or try to kiss me… hell, we’re not even like… officially ‘dating’ or anything.” Jess let out a noise of frustration.
“Constipation?” Ricky asked, and sat down on Jess’ knees.
“OW!” she shouted and shoved him off, causing him to fall on the floor.
“Thanks.” Ricky said sarcastically. He got up again and sat down on the seat next to hers, putting his arm around her shoulder. Jess looked at Katie pointedly.
Katie looked sympathetic, but a figure caught her out of the corner of her eye, and she looked up. “Can we help you?” she asked.
“I was just wondering where Lauren was…” The small boy bit his nails.
“Oh my god that line was a bitch!” Lauren exclaimed.
“Hi, Sonny.” Matt said, putting his lunch tray on the table and sitting down.
Sonny just glared at Matt.
“Can we help you, Sonny?” Lauren asked the awkward boy.
“I was just wondering if I could eat with you…” he said. He waved his hands awkwardly, causing a glass of water to go spilling onto Jess’ lap. Jess leapt up with a shriek, and Ricky jumped up out of surprise.
“You all right?” Ricky asked, and Jess nodded.
“I’m so sorry!” Sonny looked horrified.
Jess and Ricky both sat down, and Jess took advantage of the fact that Ricky hadn’t put his arm around her yet to slide her hand onto his. Ricky looked a bit surprised, but turned his hand so their alms touched, and linked his fingers with hers. Jess grinned to herself.
“OH MY GOD THAT LINE WAS A BITCH!” Hannah shouted, sitting down at the table with her tray. “Why’s the table wet and why’s Sonny here?”
“He spilled water, and he hasn’t told us yet.” Lauren said.
“Yeah he asked if he could sit with us.” Matt told her. “But then he poured water on Jess.”
“I didn’t pour water on her.” Sonny said stonily. “All I wanted was to sit with you.”
“You’re twelve. Can you leave us grown-ups alone now?” Matt was sick of Sonny’s behavior towards him.
“Matt!” Jess hissed.
“Sorry, what my friend Matthew here meant was that, well, you appear to be somewhat of a midget.” Ricky said. “And Matthew, well, he’s about twenty feet tall. It just wouldn’t work between you two.”
Sonny turned pink, and, as was usual custom for him, ran away.


“Hey Ricky?” Jess asked him after all the others had cleared up their plates, and it was only the two of them at the table.
“Yeah?” They were holding hands again.
“A-are we like… ‘officially dating’ or whatever?” she asked him awkwardly.
“Well I just assumed so.” Ricky replied. “I mean you’re great, we have loads in common… good dancer….” He looked confused for a second.
“What?” Jess asked nervously.
Ricky leaned down and kissed her, not waiting at all before prodding his tongue into her mouth. After a while they pulled away. “Yep.” He finished. “Good kisser too.” He smirked, and held her hand. “D’you wanna go to the skate park?”
“Fuck yeah.” Jess grinned.