Currently Untitled

Too Little, Too Late

“But he hasn’t tried to get into my pants once!” Jess whined to her friends. The three girls were sitting at the lunch table waiting for Matt and Ricky. The two had taken off, ‘to line up to get food,’ but it was an unspoken and general understanding that the two always went for a smoke before lunch.. Two months had passed since the school dance, and Matt and Laur- or ‘mlaur,’ as Jess had lovingly dubbed them, were still going strong. Jess and Ricky were still getting along, but, as Jess was explaining now, not without problems.

Katie laughed hollowly. “You should be glad about this, hun,” she took a sip from her milk.

Jess shook her head. “No! I don’t mean I necessarily want to sleep with him or anything! But like, Laur and Matt have done stuff, why can’t Ricky and I?!”

“Hey!” Laur cut in. “Make me sound like a whore, why dontcha?!”

Jess laughed. “No, you know what I meaaaan!”

Hannah sidestepped the issue. “Maybe it’s ‘cause you’re a year younger than Laur and maybe Ricky doesn’t want to go to fast and hurt you?” She suggested.

Jess shook her head, “He’s a guy!” she protested, “Besides, when we’re hanging out it’s like when I hang out with you guys for fuck’s sake. It’s like, we’re friends, who occasionally hold hands.”

“And make out,” Katie added scornfully. She’d been missing having someone lately, so it made her edgy when people who did complained.

“Barely ever!” Jess scoffed. “It’s like, he’s not even attracted to me at all anymore or something! We just sit locked inside all day and watch movies or play video games. And even when we go outside I just watch him skateboard. I mean, it’s fun, but…”

Laur nodded, “Nah, I understand,” she said, and touched Jess on the arm. She was interrupted, though, when two large hands gripped her shoulders. She looked up to see Matt standing there, and smiled when he leaned down to kiss her on the forhead.

“Scooch, babe?” Ricky asked, and sat down when Jess got out of the way. She rolled her eyes. Jess felt a vibrating in her pocket, and pulled her phone out to see a text from Katie: take action. make the first move, hun
Jess smiled, and after putting her phone in her pocked, slid her hand onto Ricky’s knee. Must to her discontent, he seemed as if he didn’t even notice. Taking a deep breath, Jess’s hand slowly slid higher, until she was only a few inches from, well, there. She looked at Ricky, who was flushing, but obviously trying to ignore it. “Fuck you.” She muttered. She balled the hand into a fist and punched him where she knew it would hurt the most.

Ricky doubled over in pain, his eyes watering with tears as he lay his head on the table. Jess just smiled to herself, and returned to eating her lunch, acting as indifferent as he had when she was practically groping him.


“What the fuck was that for?!” Ricky confronted Jess after school.

“What was what for?” Jess asked, feigning innocence. She moved around him and continued walking to her bus, but was stopped when he grabbed her arm.

“When you punched me in the balls!” he shouted, looking furious. “Seriously, what the fuck, Jess. I have no idea what I did wrong!”

“You ignored me!” She erupted, spinning around.

“Well what was I supposed to do?!” Ricky screamed. “You were feeling me up in the FUCKING CAFETERIA! What was I supposed to do, think about where your hand was going, get a boner, and then fuck you senseless pressed up against one of the collapsible lunch tables?!

“THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER THAN HOW YOU’VE BEEN TREATING ME!” Jess vented. “When was the last time we even kissed, Ricky?!” Ricky opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out. “Yeah, that’s right! You can’t even remember, can you?!” she was frustrated.

“We kissed this morning!” Ricky protested, flustered.

“A peck on the cheek as you rush to class doesn’t count, Richard Hayberg!” she shoved him away, but he grabbed her wrists and pushed his mouth against hers. She tried to pull away at firsts, but then wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close. Ricky shoved her against the wall of the school, and slid one hand down her leg, before pulling it up around his waist.

“So, we good?” Ricky panted, grinning. He stroked Jess’ face, pushing the messy hair from her eyes.

Jess hesitated, and shook her head, putting her foot back on the ground. “No,” she shook her head. Ricky looked surprised, and pulled away a bit. “…It was too little, too late, Ricky.”

“Too little?!” Ricky protested, “but that time that I got really hard when we were making out you said it was a good size!”

“The EFFORT, Ricky!” Jess shouted, angry. “The effort was too little!” she stormed away, before stopping to turn around. “Oh, and by the way, Ricky, when a girl says it’s a good size,” she started, “that’s a nice way of saying it’s small.” Jess spun on her heel and walked away to the busses.

Ricky bit his lip and picked his skateboard off the ground, making his way towards home.
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Sorry it took so long!!!
the Too Little Too Late lines are taken right from a scene from Mallrats<3