Currently Untitled

Breakups slash Shame

"Oh my god, did you see the showdown at lunch between Ricky and Travis?!" Katie exclaimed, pulling her sweater off and tossing it onto Jess' bed from her cross-legged position on the floor.

"Of course I did, I was right next to you! BUT OH MY GOD THOUGH!" Laur responded. She was seated at the desk, chatting with Matt on AIM while she talked to her friends. The three- well, two- girls were swooning over Ricky's romantic gesture. "And did you see, he like winked at Jess, when he was being dragged out?!"

"OH MY GOD. I KNOW!" Katie gushed. "It took like ALL my energy not to SQUEAL when he did!"

"You did gasp, actually," Laur corrected, after pausing to send a '<3' back to something sweet Matt had said.

Katie giggled. "Did I?" she asked. "I didn't even notice, I was too excited."

"Yeah, you did," Laur laughed. "So, Jess, what are you waiting for, when are you gonna call him and take him back?!"

"" Jess replied. She was lying on her bed, and not once in the time she'd been there had she broken eye contact with the ceiling.

"Eh?!" both the other girls exclaimed in unison, both snapping to face her.

"Eh," the youngest girl repeated. The two others looked on, stunned. "I mean, he was sweet and all, but I want to find someone who doesn't need to lose me, or the threat of losing me, just to give a shit. I want someone who cares either way."

"But... the fight! He really cares about you, Jess..." Katie trailed off.

"Yeah, now. But did he when there was no threat of losing me? No," Jess shook her head. "It's over." Her two friends looked crestfallen.


"You have to admit, Jess had a point," Katie said carefully as she and Laur left the girl's house an hour or two later. Laur gasped.

"Katie! How dare you?! Those two belong together!" She exclaimed furiously.

"But... what if they don't, Laur..." She suggested, her tone hesitant. "Like... it's like Jess was saying... he didn't really show her he care until after she broke up with him."

"That's because he's a BOY, Katie!" Laur screamed, stopping dead on the pavement, causing Katie to almost walk into her. "Boys don't display emotion unless in desperate situations! And you agreeing with her is just reinforcing that babble in her head!"

"Yeah, but guys DO like getting laid, and the boy's barely tried to kiss her!" Katie retorted just as sharply.

"Again, it's because he's a boy! Boys can't express emotion! And if they're nervous, they just completely close up! OBVIOUSLY, he LIKES her!"

Katie sighed. "Girls are so much more simple," she said simply. "I'm going home."

Laur just rolled her eyes. "Night." She muttered bluntly, and the two trudged off in opposite directions. She was going to get the two of them back together, if it was the last thing she did.


Two weeks later, Laur seemed to be further from her goal than ever. Ricky had been spotted several times flirting with an attractive art student, Miranda, while Jess seemed even more shut off from the world than ever.
But it wasn't Jess' mood swings or Miranda's seemingly returned interest in the dorky skateboarder that was the highlight of bizarre events of that day.

"Hey, Travis!" A seemingly half-clothed cheerleader stroked the boy's bicep as he placed his lunch tray on the table that afternoon. He shook her off, grumbling a 'hello.'

"Dude, what's wrong with you?!" The guy sitting at the table across from Travis exclaimed, leaning over to put his arm around the cheerleader and pull her onto his lap, and there was a general murmur of annoyed agreement around the table. "This absolutely gorgeous girl-" he was interrupted by her letting out a swoon of 'ohhh!', which resulted in a smirk from him."This absolutely gorgeous girl," he repeated "absolutely throws herself at you. And you shrug her off like she's an objet?!"

Travis' blood inadvertently began to boil. "Yeah. I'm the one here treating a girl like an object, by not wanting in her pants the second she's in the perimeter..." he retorted sarcastically.

"You don't?!" The girl whined, while she played with the boy whose lap she was on's hair with one hand.

"No," Travis replied simply.

"Why not dude, what the fuck?!" His friend exclaimed- he looked furious to the point of nearly throwing the cheerleader off his lap./

"I've met this girl... and by 'meet', I mean I've completely fallen for her..." Travis trailed off.

"Well, let her join in!" his friend breathed a sigh of relief. "Jeez, Richter, you had me worried something was wrong!"

"Well... we're not exactly... dating... but... she's absolutely amazing, just... perfect. I don't want to ruin it, I don't want to cheat on her."

The grin faded from the other boy's face the second the last words left Travis' mouth. "Wait, let me get this straight. You aren't dating the girl." Travis shook his head. "She isn't putting out."

"Again, negative."

"And you don't want to cheat on her?!" He shouted.

"That's right," Travis confirmed.

The boy just couldn't grasp the concept. "You're fucking whipped, man. Disgusting when that happens to great guys. Is she hot, at least?"

Travis nodded, grinning. "She's a model," he said with a smirk.

"Oh, snap!" he roared, laughing. "Fucking awesome, man. Have you made out at least?!"

Travis hesitated. "Well, we've only been out once... She lives far away, I met her while she was here on a modeling job... Normally we just talk online an stuff..."

There was a stunned silence at the table, making Travis Richter feel more awkward by the second.

"Yeah, uhm. Get the fuck out," one of the guys at the table told him, and everyone else seemed to agree.

"We have no room for pussies here, not ones with dicks!" another shouted. Under a bombardment of insults, Travis, face redder than the streak in his hair, picked up his backpack and tray, and made his way away from the table in shame, staring at his feet as he walked until he reached the table he was looking for- it was always the same table. When he got there he looked up at the people there, people who were looking back at him with surprise and an air of repulsion.

"Hey guys?" he said in a tiny voice. "Can I sit with you?"