Currently Untitled

The Skate Park

“I can’t believe Trav and Katie are back together.” Hannah muttered as she and Lauren walked towards the busses that afternoon. Katie had finished earlier than them, and had gone downtown with Travis.
“Wait.” Lauren stopped. “Are they actually back together, or just hanging out… a lot?”
“I don’t know, looked like they are… Didn’t you see him kiss her at lunch?” Hannah asked.
“Like, on the cheek at the beginning? Yeah…”
“Uhm, no. I mean when he kissed her, Lauren…”
“HE KISSED HER?!” Lauren screamed. “WHEN WAS THIS?!”
“Right after Sonny left, you were staring at Matt…”
“OHMYGOD THAT REMINDS ME.” Lauren jumped up and down. “He put his hand on my knee!”
“SERIOUSLY?!” Hannah grinned
“YES! He kept it there for like, the rest of lunch! But oh my god, wait, Travis kissed Katie?” She went back to the previous topic.
“Like, on the lips or make out?!”
“Well it was on the lips-“ Hannah started.
“Oh, okay.” Lauren interrupted, relieved.
“But I swear there was a glimpse of tongue.” The other girl finished.
Hannah nodded, and the two sat there in silence for a while. “You know what, I’m not gonna lie… it was really nice having him back at the table with us… it felt like old times again.”
“Except that now he’s a sleaze.” Lauren cut in.
“Well, yeah, there’s that.” Hannah looked at the ground, biting her nails. “I did miss him though.”
You know what?” Lauren asked, and Hannah looked up at her. “So did I, a little bit. But he’s going to hurt her again, I just know it.”
“Anyway.” Lauren broke the silence. “My bus is gonna leave without me…” she laughed. “See ya tomorrow?”
“Yeah” Hannah smiled. “Byee!”

The second she turned on her computer, Lauren was attacked by an instant message.


why hello there, Mr. Good.

me and travis and katie are going to the skate park.

oh, okay…

Lauren was disappointed, she was hoping to talk to Matt, hopefully to talk about what happened at lunch, maybe even tell him how she felt… not to mention the fact that Katie was seeing Travis out of school, this was a bad sign…

come with?


Lauren grinned widely, and bit her lip.

i’d love to!!! see you there in about half an hour?

I can’t wait xxx

Lauren gasped, and shut her computer off. She had to get ready. This afternoon would be amazing. She quickly brushed through her hair, changed into a clean shirt, and fixed her makeup.


Twenty-eight minutes later, Lauren stepped out of the bus and crossed the street, walking towards the skate park. No sooner had she walked towards one of the ramps than someone nearly crashed into her. Lauren yelped, and jumped to the side, but the boy on the skateboard grabbed onto her, causing both of them to crash painfully to the pavement.
“OW, WHAT THE HELL?!” Lauren screamed, examining her bloody elbow.
“Sorry.” The boy looked embarrassed. She recognized the voice, and when she looked over realized it was Matt.
“Matt, what was that about?!” she laughed slightly, standing up.
“Sorry, I was coming over to say hi and I lost control of the board…” He allowed Lauren to take his hand and pull him up, and didn’t let go quite immediately.
They stood in awkward silence for a minute.
“So where are Katie and Travis?” Lauren asked finally.
Matt shrugged. “I dunno, we were hanging out and it was fun at Travis’, but the second we got here they had their tongues down each others’ throats. So, probably behind one of the ramps.”
Lauren frowned. “Fuck, I can’t believe she’s back together with him…”
“Oh, they were together before?” Matt asked.
“Yeah…” Lauren sat down on the ground, and Matt sat next to her. The thing is, Travis hung out with the three of us all the time, kinda like you do, we were friends for years… And like, I mean, everyone changes… Travis started getting into the whole black jeans, peircings, dyed hair… that kind of stuff…” Matt nodded.
“All of you did though, didn’t you?”
Lauren chuckled. “Yes, but this story’s about Travis.” She said. “Anyway… One day, he asked Katie out… She said no at first, that if they broke up it could ruin their friendship, ruin the group… But he talked her into it…”
Matt nodded, and put his hands out behind him, leaning back slightly.
“A week later, we were at a party, and this really skanky girl with pink hair, a tattoo on her wrist, and a lipring started hitting on Travis… He’d never really been attractive to girls before, and apparently he liked it.”
Matt looked surprised, but let her finish.
“Anyway. He slept with her that night… the skank… Katie walked in on them, and needless to say, they broke up…”
“Yeah, no kidding… a week?! That’s fucked, man…”
Lauren nodded. “That’s why I hate him… He stopped hanging out with us from then on. And since then, he’s fucked every girl who’s come his way, because now he’s all “hot” and stuff.” She was getting annoyed, and Matt backed away slightly. Lauren looked embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I just can’t believe she took him back!” She started getting hysterical. “He’s only with her cause he could see down her top, and he’s thinking that now he can get in her pants like he does with EVERY OTHER FUCKING GIRL!”
Matt edged closer to Lauren, and draped an arm around her shoulder. “Don’t worry, she can take care of herself. And if he hurts her, she’s got great friends to take care of her.” He smiled, and pulled her a little closer. Lauren leaned her head against Matt’s chest and sighed.
“Yeah, you’re right.” She inhaled, her eyes closed. He smelled so nice. She loved how this felt, Matt’s arm around her, the closeness between them. “Hey Matt?” She asked quietly.
“Yeah?” He asked, looking down at the top of her head.
“I really like you.” She mumbled lamely.
Matt smiled, and buried his face in her hair, kissing the top of her head lightly. “I really like you too, Lauren.” He whispered.