Currently Untitled


The next day at lunch, before the boys arrived, Lauren was gushing to her two best friends. “AND THEN, he kissed my head!” she grinned. “Oh my god, it was the sweetest thing ever. And he smells so nice. Like Axe and cigarettes and clean shirts and just… amazing… I just melted.”
“Aww.” Hannah smiled. “And apparently you were with Travis yesterday, Katie…” Hannah said disapprovingly.
“Yeah.” Katie smirked, looking upwards. “It was awesome.”
Both girls stared at Katie. “You didn’t have sex with him, did you Katie?”
“What?! NO!” she exclaimed, her daydream ending. “No, we just made out behind... against… one of the ramps at the skate park. And yeah okay there was some groping… and…touching… but not sex. Promise.” She said.
It was at that moment that the two boys arrived. Matt sat next to Lauren, and Katie got up to let Travis sit, so that she could sit on his lap. Travis put his arms around her waist, his lips immediately at her neck. Lauren and Hannah made gagging noises, laughing, and Lauren leaned her head on Matt’s shoulder.
Matt chuckled, but seemed nervous. “Hey Lauren, can I talk to you for a minute?” He asked, biting his lip.
“Uh… sure…” Lauren was worried. Both of them stood up, and walked out to the hallway.

“Lauren, I really like you.” Matt started.
“Aww. I really like you too, Matt.” Lauren said, touching his hand.
“No, I…” Matt pulled his hand away, and Lauren looked upset. “I have to confess something…”
“What is it?” She looked him in the eyes, but he broke eye contact immediately, choosing instead to look at the floor.
“I… back in Ohio… I have… I have this… girl… friend.” His voice broke by the end of the sentence, so it was a whisper, his eyes still fixed on the floor.
Lauren felt like she’d been slapped in the face, and her eyes stung with tears. “Y-you do?”
Matt nodded. “I called her last night, to end things…”
Lauren felt better, and smiled “Really?” She choked. Matt was silent. “Wait, but… you said you have a girlfriend…” she came to realization. “You didn’t break up with her, did you?”
“I… I tried.” He muttered. “But we just started talking, it was the first time since I moved… and… I just couldn’t do it. I’m so sorry, Lauren.”
“So… that’s it?” She asked miserably? “I like you, you like me, but nothing can happen?”
“I’m sorry.” He repeated. “Please don’t hate me.”
“…Seriously, Matt?!” Lauren exploded. “You come here, become my friend, make me feel more amazing than anyone has in GOD knows how long, and then you tell me nothing can happen because you have someone else, who you haven’t talked to in FIVE WEEKS?! AND THEN YOU TELL ME NOT TO HATE YOU FOR IT?!” she screamed. “YOU HAVE SOME NERVE, MATTHEW GOOD!” she reached up, and slapped him across the face before storming back into the cafeteria.
“Four weeks.” Matt muttered to himself, and walked down the hallway.
By the time Lauren made it to the lunch table, she had tears streaming down her face.
Hannah gasped, and Katie jumped off of Travis’ lap, throwing her arms around her friend. “Oh baby, what happened?!” she asked.
“Trav, go away, this is girl time.” Hannah muttered, and put her hand on Lauren’s arm.
Travis nodded, got up, and after kissing Katie on the cheek, walked away.
Lauren sat down on the seat, and, still crying, told them everything that happened.
“Oh my god, baby.” Hannah whispered.
“What a bastard.” Katie said, rubbing Lauren’s back. Lauren sniffled. “He’s not worth it… not if he would do something terrible like that to you…”
“I guess…” She whispered. “But… he’s so amazing. And he smelled so nice, and the way he put his arms around me…”
“Well, he’s obviously not amazing, if he’d fuck you up like that.” Katie said. “Girl’s night tonight? My place?”
“Yeah, sure!” Hannah smiled. They both looked at Lauren.
“Okay.” She pulled a tissue from her pocket and blew her nose. “I love you guys.” She said, smiling weakly.