Currently Untitled

February Break Part 1

One week passed, and it was movie night again, this time at Hannah’s house. Tonight’s feature? The Lion King. Yes, that’s right, The Lion King. And, yet again, everything was set up, everything was ready, everything was there, except Katie.
The evening played out exactly like the last weeks. They finally started the movie, and it wasn’t until halfway through Oh I Just Can’t Wait To Be King that Katie burst in. Yet again, her hair was messed up. The buttons on her shirt were off by one, her face glistened with sweat, and her fly was unzipped. The only difference was that this time, thick, wet tears ran down Katie’s cheeks, and her hands were shaking.
Lauren pressed mute on the TV immediately, and rushed to her friend.
“Oh my god, Katie! What happened?!” she shouted. Hannah hovered behind her.
“I- I was with Travis…” She started, and both girls gasped. “And… we were on his bed, kissing… and other stuff… like we do a lot… we were in our underwear and stuff… and he tried to take my underwear off… I pushed his hands away, told him I wasn’t ready for that, like I’d told him before… and he kept trying! And so I pushed harder, he tried more, managed to almost pull them off… I screamed, and kneed him in the balls.” She finished. “And then yeah… grabbed my clothes, and ran away… God, I can’t believe I was wrong… I thought it would finally be different this time!” Katie broke down crying again, and her friends held her close. “Things were so amazing.” She whispered.
She eventually broke away from her friends’ hold, and sat down on the sofa, hugging a couch cushion close to her chest.
“Aww babe.” Hannah said, sitting next to Katie and wrapping her arms around her. “At least it’s February break now, man. A week of just us three, hanging out!” She said, excited.
Katie smiled, and nodded. “Yeah… that’ll be awesome.”
Lauren bit her lip, upset.
“What’s wrong, Laur?” Katie asked her, concerned.
“Matt’s going to Ohio for February break.” She muttered. “I heard him talking to someone about it… He’s going to see his friends, and her” She spat the last word.
“I think we’re gonna need more ice cream.” Hannah muttered to herself.



“Do you think I should call Travis?” Katie asked, as the three hung out in her room, listening to music and talking.
“NO!” Her friends shouted simultaneously.

“Do you think I should call Matt?” Lauren asked, two hours later. Her answer was the same.



The three girls were sitting on the pavement at the skate park, drinking red bull.
“Hey guys, do you-“ Katie started, but was interrupted with her friends both shouting “NO!” “…wanna start a band?” she finished.
“OH!” Lauren exclaimed.
“Oh my god, yes!” Hannah grinned.
Katie grinned. “I’ll do bass… Lauren can sing, and Hannah, you play guitar!” the girls were getting excited.
“YEAH!” Lauren grinned. “We can go to your house and get your bass, and then go play at Hannah’s place!”
“We need a drummer…” Katie said.
“We’ll find one later. C’mon, let’s go!” Hannah jumped up and ran to the bus stop, her two friends following frantically.