Currently Untitled



“My fingers hurt.” Hannah whined.
“Me tooooo!” Katie echoed.
Lauren laughed at them, and sat on Katie’s amp.
“Oi, stop laughing!” Hannah shouted. “You try playing guitar for two days straight and see how your hand feels!”
“Pfft.” Lauren let out simply. “Wanna go buy chocolate and shit?” she suggested.
“OOH YEAH!” They both took off their guitars and jumped up and down.


Ten minutes later, the three were walking back towards Hannah’s garage.
“LAUREN WATCH OUT!” Katie screamed, but it was too late.
Lauren tripped over a crack in the sidewalk, and fell face-first into a girl about their age, walking in the opposite direction. More specifically, Lauren fell face-first into the girl’s crotch.
Katie and Hannah automatically doubled over in laughter. Lauren quickly got up, flushed with embarrassment. The girl just looked stunned.
They remained this way until Katie and Hannah’s laughter finally died down, and they wiped the tears from their eyes. “That was amazing.” Hannah finally said. “I’m Hannah, by the way.” She held her hand out to the girl. “That’s Katie” she pointed. “And the girl who stuck her face in your crotch is Lauren.”
The other girl laughed nervously. “I’m Jess.” She smiled, and turned to face Lauren. “You all right?” she asked. Lauren nodded, still a deep crimson red. “Out of curiosity…” Jess started “how the hell did you manage that?” She giggled.
Lauren blushed- if possible- even redder. “I- I don’t know.” She said quietly.
The dark-haired girl smiled. “Ooh, chocolate.” She said suddenly, pointing into the bag Hannah was carrying.
“Yeah, we took a break from band practice, for emergency supplies.” Hannah smiled.
“Band practice? You guys are in a band?” Jess asked them. “That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to start a band, but yeah…”
“Oh, what do you play?” Hannah asked. Katie tried to stick her hand into the bag, but Hannah slapped it away, not even looking down.
Jess giggled. “I play drums and guita-”
“OH WE NEED A DRUMMER!” Katie shouted, interrupting her. “COME PLAY WITH US?!”
“Uh.” Jess checked her watch “Yeah sure! I have to be home for six though.” She said.
“Well it’s two, so we have time.” Katie insisted, grabbing the girl’s arm and dragging her in the direction of Hannah’s house.

Four hours, two drum solos, and eighteen chocolate bars later, Jess was already one of them- laughing at all the same jokes and making them laugh, into the same video games, and she knew the stories of both Matt and Lauren, and Travis and Katie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes. Lauren has done this.