I'm Falling Forever

Throughout your life, you've always had that one friend to capture your heart. They're the only one to get you at your best and more so at your worst. They know all the little things about you, like the way you twirl your hair or bite your lip when you're nervous. The way your eyes light up when you see that crush of yours for the first time each day.

It's also the way you can just talk to them, carefree, knowing they won't judge your for the words you use. You don't have to pretend with them, you can just be. When you're at your lowest, they come to mind and give you that small glimpse of hope that you need to keep going. You want to tell them so badly how much they mean to you but words do not exist to do them justice.


I wrote this for one of my best friends; she's in love with her best guy friend. I wrote this in his view point, unknowingly giving her the best prom she could have. Prom to her and her best friend was one of the worst nights for them; I gave her a second one, a better one. The last line is their thing, she calls him her hero and he is.

So if you're in love with your best friend and don't have the guts to say so, pretend like her and pretend these are the words he/she thinks of you. Or perhaps you have said so and they just don't feel the same; this is my what could have been for her.