Guardians I "Death Where Is Your Victory? Where Is Your Sting?"

The world of Rediew, a land thriving with humans, creatures and Energy. Energy is a mysterious power given to all by the Creator. With it many can control fire, part water, render the earth asunder, bend the wind to their will, even harness lightning.

Since the beginning of time, Energy has existed, as well as Dark Energy, and the evil creatures that abuse it. These monsters are known as Dagan-Kais; brutish, nasty, vile beasts who souls have been lost to Darkness. Kais come in many sizes and strengths, but the strongest are known as Amed-Kai. Special Amed have the ability to grant wanting, shameless souls The Mark; an insignia of black flames starting from the hands and crawl up the arm, signifying that they serve Darkness.

In the year 19-00, over one hundred years ago, the world brought about the largest and deadliest war anyone had ever witnessed. A war of man and machine, but not just any machines. These ancient relics could do anything one could imagine. Something to behold these machines were. Many of power, life, reliability, comfort, and colossal height, nothing like anything seen before. Machines of animals, men, and weapons; terrible weapons that could counter the worst of Darkness. Alas, the world of men became greedy, and lustful with their power, and finally fought one another in a world wide blood battle. Nothing could be done as this ultimate hatred brewed across the land. Blood of many vile people, as well as innocent blood spilled in what seemed like the longest fight ever created.
The war amongst men eventually stopped, but in a terrible fashion. Darkness grew so strong in the world, that it gave way to three terribly powerful Amed-Kai. These three touted themselves as the strongest of all the Dagan-Kai race; Zaal, Darksol, and Sebuma, commenced to see which would be the strongest.
The Demi-Kai battle raged, with many of those who used the ancient machinery losing the precious artifacts, even their lives. The world fell into a bottomless pit of evil, and men were the ones to blame…

Zaal emerged the strongest, being proclaimed as the King of Dagan-Kai. Thus he ravaged the lands with his terrible power.
Then it happened in the worst of times, hope bloomed for humanity again.
Darksol ruled Celestial Plains, but sought after the dominant city of Mordon-Gaal for his own. However, Zaal claimed it, knowing full well of the other Ameds intentions.
Angered, Darksol conjured with Sebuma to overthrow the current king.
In trickery and deceiving, the two Demi-Kais locked Zaal within his own realm, casting him away forever, where he would never be free again. Then Darksol attacked and sealed away Sebuma, who was the weakest of the three, making the world of Rediew his own. But that was his ultimate downfall.

With only one Demi-Kai left, the Guardians, The Creators chosen people, banded together and plotted to kill Darksol. They formed an army with the entire world, uniting together to defeat a common enemy, an enemy who still resided upon Lanrete…
With a great struggle, humanity reduced his power to near nothing, but they could not kill him for his army had exhausted the race of men as well.
Fortunately, a young guardian by the name of Alta Junder gained the hand over Darksol, locking him within his precious accursed armor, and rapt him within his own realm, just as the Kai did to Zaal…

The people rejoiced, Light was once again a part of the world. Guardians of Fate were told from The Creator to destroy all of mans’ history involving any ancient machinery. Only to keep one scroll with the history in a language only Fate Guardians could interpret. Then it was they made the solemn vow to never read from its’ pages.
For the next ninety-five years, the world is at peace…

…But Darkness festers even in the hearts of young men…
Enter Roy, a Guardian of Fate. Roy is the oldest of his generation, and the cruelest. He possesses an evil heart. Growing up with no parents to guide him, and not but one friend to call his own, he grew envious of his peers, and hated them all, sometimes cursing The Creator for making him.

On a night in the year 19-96, Roy found the tomb of Darksol, hidden on Celestial Plains. He snuck past the guards, and made his way to the very gate, leading to the vile creature. Succumbing to the Darkness, Roy unlocks the portal, and gives his allegiance to Darksol, promising to kill as many Guardians as he pleased. Dagan-Kai flooded the earth again, portals of old once released the forces of darkness, and the Guardians of Fate were trapped.

Quickly thinking, the elders decided to stow the young guardians on boats and have them sail away, while the older generation stayed behind. With their final moments, they hoped to cripple Darksol before he had a chance to regain strength. But even though they sacrificed their lives, Darksol was able to get away.
The young ones were scattered across the globe, and Roy assisted Darksol in making his way to Mordon-Gaal. In a year long struggle, Darksol and his legions fought their way through the southern peninsula of Sirius, destroying the once beautiful town resting by the ocean. However with numerous towns, and defenses still before him, Darksol went for refuge by heading north, unto the small settlement of Frecedel, where he took captive the prince, Omnis, and gathered his power…

Five years later this tale picks up with a young man named Alexx Junder. A Guardian of Fate whose attained destiny is to rid the world of Darksol, and end his threat of destruction. Armed with swords, Energy, unique allies, and the Creator as his guide, follow the adventure to vanquish Rediews threats and hopefully bring peace.