Always Attract

Bleed It Out

Written In Dean's POV ;

I woke to the smell of pancakes, I lazily reached for my phone and checked the time on my phone, 11:16 am, I pulled the throw from over me and jumped up off the couch, I dragged my legs into the kitchen. Sitting at the small dining table was Sam, Dylan and Bobby, Dakota (Bobby’s niece) stood in front of the stove, making pancakes,

‘Morning’ Dylan called from the table, I smiled and waved,

‘We’re heading down to the Roadhouse later, you coming ?’ Sam asked as I sat down beside Bobby and Dakota placed a big plate of chocolate chip pancakes down in front of me,

‘Thanks Koti you’re a star’ I exclaimed, she gushed,

‘Your welcome Dean’ she chirped picking up Dylan and Bobby’s plates, Bobby gave me a stern warning glare, I laughed and began to eat my pancakes. After breakfast we headed down to the roadhouse,

‘Can I drive ?’ Dylan asked, Sam burst out laughing,

‘Hell no’ I exclaimed, she looked at me shocked,

‘The car is like his child’ Sam chuckled,

I got into the drivers seat, Dylan crawled into the back and Sam in the passenger seat, We were driving down chatting and such when the car broke down, it was lashing rain, and I was highly agitated,

‘Well go on Dean, fix it’ Sam uttered, I raised an eyebrow and shuck my head,

‘Waits until the rain stops’ I added, staring at the heavy rain running down the window,

‘We can’t just wait here’ Sam moaned, just then Dylan opened the car door stepped out,

‘You guys are such girls’ she groaned as she headed to back of the car and opened the trunk, she strolled calmly to the front of the car and lifted up the hood, she pulled a few tools out and fiddled with the engine a bit, after about 2 minuets the car started again, she put everything away, closed the trunk and got back in the car,

‘That was…….unexpected’ Sam chuckled, she smiled sheepishly. We arrived at the Roadhouse, Dylan was now acting more outgoing towards us now, she playfully pushed me as we walked in, I tripped slightly because of my lack of knowledge to her strength, I laughed in shock, we sat down at the bar,

‘Hey boys what can I get you ?’ Ellen asked as she turned to face us, but she froze, her jaw dropped as she spotted Dylan playing with a loose string on her sleeve,

‘Claire Summers ?’ Ellen mumbled, looking like she had just seen a ghost, Dylan’s head shot up and her eyes gazed straight at Ellen,

‘No, Dylan, how do you know my sister ?’ Dylan answered spooked, Ellen’s face broke out into a smile,

‘You look just like her’ she murmured, Dylan looked at me with a look of confusion spread across her face,

‘Your mother used to bring you and Claire down here, you were only a baby though’ Ellen added smiling, tears swelled up in Dylan’s eyes and she stood up,

‘I’m sorry I can’t talk about them’ Dylan cried running outside, Sam and I looked at Ellen in confusion,

‘Her parents and her sister were killed gruesomely by a demon about 10 years ago, I never knew what happened to poor Dylan’ Ellen uttered trailing off,

‘She became a hunter’ I added sternly and got up, I ran outside, my eyes surveyed the car park looking for Dylan, I saw her, on her knees in the middle of the car park, her face buried in her hands as she cried, I ran to her and fell to my knees beside her,

‘It’s ok, I know I how you feel’ I whispered, placing my hand on her back,

‘How would you know ?’ she snapped,

‘My mom was killed by a demon too’ I choked, she looked up at me and gazed at me with her wide ocean green eyes, tears ran down her pale cheeks, she was soaking wet, for the second day in a row,

‘I’m SOOO Sorry’ she gushed sadly, I smiled and nodded,

‘You have a habit of getting rained on’ I chuckled, she laughed and wiped her tears with her wet sleeve, I quickly took my coat off and placed it around her shoulders, she smiled at me as her cheeks grew red,

‘And I called you a girl, look at me’ she laughed, I smiled and helped her up, I was now also soaking,

‘Let’s get you home and get you some dry clothes’ I added, she nodded, I quickly headed back inside while Dylan got into the car to tell Sam I’d be back in about and hour, he was fine with it, I quickly ran outside trying to get away from the rain as soon as possible, just then the impala came speeding around the corner, Dylan’s at in the drivers seat, she wound down the window,

‘Let’s see what this piece of junk can do’ she laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
xD Comments..? Noo.......
Thanks BlueRules For Yuhhr Consistant Reading AND COMMENTING Of This Story, Also Thanks Jasmine...:P

I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter Anyways...x