Status: Wait.

Live Like a Skyscraper

There's No Time


The boy laid the gorgeous musician down on the stage and kissed her forehead, an action that heated my face to the point of combustion. "Is she okay?" our manager asked, eyes wide. The boy nodded and shrugged. "I've known her for a long time and, as soon as you came in throwing out record deals, I knew she'd get nervous real quick. She's only fainted once before, though, when her mum left a thong in her room-" he began.

Suddenly, the girl's hand shot up and grabbed him by the collar. "I'll kill you!" she shrieked as the boy struggled from her grip. He ran, as if she were going to follow through with her threat and she chased after him, her torn and tattered converse falling off of her feet,. The boy was laughing but the girl seemed to have no humor in her fierce features.

The group of boys around the stage were laughing and shouting things and, when she tripped over a chair leg, the laughter seized. They all gathered around her, helping her up, even the boy she was chasing. "Big brothers." she muttered with a smile, in replace of a thank you, causing more chuckles.

Then, her eyes fell on us, noticing once again that we were there. They widened as she spoke. "oh- uh. Well, that was inappropriate but-" she choked out. We all began to laugh as my manager said, "Please, I have to deal with nonsense from these boys." he said, referring to us. "That was nothing."

She smiled sweetly, making my stomach lurch forward. "Is- Is the label still on the table? I'd give anything to be swimming in the same ocean as a band as huge as the Jonas Brothers- You guys are wonderful, contrary to what my friends tell me. I love your music." she said, quietly. This comment caused a few of the guys behind her to groan. It looked as if they would all be into more.. heavy music. I liked the fact that she listened to our music, though, even though it was obviously not popular amongst her friends. That displayed individuality and her strength to be herself no matter what others thought.

"We like your music, too!" Nick said, speaking louder and more excitedly than he usually does. I glared over at him. "And that's why the record deal is still, in fact, on the table. We'd be really happy to have you, Miss-" my manger began, requesting her name.

"Ryan- Kourtney Ryan.. Er, Kaytle if you want. You can call me Kaytle." she stuttered. She was still nervous, trying to smile as brightly as she could.

"Well, Kaytle, welcome to the business." our manager said with a smile. She screamed, jumping up and down. The group of guys around her laughed and congratulated her. "Time for beer and skateboarding?" one suggested.

She chuckled, pretending to sound strict. "I am going to be a teen sensation! I can surely not skateboard- I'd hurt my dainty, little knees!" She cried, in fake shock.

"Don't worry about your knees- have fun." our manager offered, taking her comment seriously. "However, there is one thing you should know: We're going to need you packed and ready to go by tomorrow morning. You're on tour immediately. With the Jonas Brothers." he said. Her eyes widened and she looked as if she was going to faint again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Go hang out with the ever-so-rad Kourtney.
She even has a story that's a lot better than this one so far. ha