Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles


Jen started talking when we got to the bench, "What happened yesterday after school? I waited for you for like a half hour! Did the principal pull you into his office or something?"

"Well," I said, "he did. He just asked me what I knew about it. Then he told me that, like you said, Kassie has Pickette totally convinced it was me." Jen's eyes were wide,and she had on a face that said, 'tell me more!' Just then, something caught the corner of her eye; her wide eyes became small confused slits.

"Who's that kid?" she asked. I followed her eyes to a guy I didn't recognize. He had short brown hair and looked like, as Jen would call him, a geek. He was wearing a white polo, jeans, and grey sneakers along with his matching lunch box and backpack. When he smiled, I could see his crooked, dirty, and spaced teeth. Make that geeky and repulsive. He had naturally wide eyes that stared at everyone that passed by.

"I don't know. Probably just a new kid," I said. "But anyways, getting back to the story," Jen looked at me again, "he wants to see me again today. I'm not sure when though." The school morning bell rang and we started walking towards the school.

"Well, tell me when he calls you down," Jen said.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I questioned.

"You have a cell, don't ya?" I sighed as we both walked off to English together.

In English, when the pricipal came on the PA system, my heart started beating fast and I could feel my face turn red. But luckily, he only announced about gym classes starting today. "Students and teachers," he said, "first of all, welcome to our second school week! The second thing I would like to say, is that P.E, art, music, and all those other fun classes will be starting this week. Teachers, please go by the times I gave you yesterday. That's all for now, thank you."

Ugh, P.E? Great, one class that I definitely do not succeed in. I bet this school is going to torture me by playing dodge ball today. Oh, how I wished I could skip gym! As I was thinking all this, the door to our classroom creaked open. The new kid stepped in with what seemed like total confidence. "Hello," he said. He gave a smile and a small wave to the class. He walked over to the teacher and said, "Hello, Ms. Firth, I'm Jon Lemanski."

"Oh, right," she said quietly. Then she raised her voice and said, "Class, this is Jon Lemanski, a new student here. Jon, you can sit back there," the teacher pointed to the seat in front of me. I groaned in my head. Why me? He walked over to the seat with his wide eyes, and when they caught me, he smiled and showed his gross teeth. I tried my hardest not to hurl. He was girly looking and sounding. What a girl.

Come to find out that we had gym second period, and luckily, I had it with Jen and not Kassie. Unluckily, I had it with Jon. I walked up to the gym teacher and asked, "What are we playing today?"

"Dodge ball," she said, sounding excited herself.

"Oh," I said as I walked away. I moaned at hung my head backwards to look at the high rafters of the gym. Just then I got hit in the head with a foam football. I urned around to see a bunch of guys huddled up together rolling over in laughter. I walked over to Jen, "Jen, I hate P.E."

"Who doesn't?" she said, catching a a volleyball soaring towards us in mid-air. "Just watch your back," she said looking at me and throwing the ball back to the few girls at the other side of the room.

When the dodge ballgame started, I hid behind Jen almost the whole time, which got her mad. Then she jumped out of the way, leaving me out in the open to get hit, giving me no time to react. I saw a ball soaring my way. I turned my head away as my first reaction, which only left me with a tingly feeling in the back of my head. I looked over to who threw it. And there stood Jon looking victorious with his head shot to me. I glared at him and almost started crying. I was so angry! I hate dodge ball. I sat on the sidelines cheering for Jen, who happened to be the last person on our team still in the game.

Then it was just her and Jon. The whole gym became silent as Jen and Jon stared each other down. Then I couldn't help but yell out, "Come on Jen! Get Jonnifer!" I thought it was funny. Like, Jennifer, a girl's name, but I said Jonnifer. Yeah, I know, stupid. But everyone else started bursting out in laughter. Jen couldn't stop laughing, and got hit by Jonnifer. New game.

I walked over to Jen, "Sorry about that." I let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, I don't care. That was hilarious though!" She laughed again. I muttered a 'thanks.' The gym teacher blew the whistle and the game started. I turned around with my back to the other team and bent over to get a ball, and in just that split second, a foamy dodge ball hit me in the tush. Guess who it was? Jonnifer. Yup. And it happened in the next two games also. I can't stand that girl. Oops, I mean guy. Hahaha.

Finally, gym was over. I had two classes left, then lunch.
♠ ♠ ♠ inside joke. lol.