Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

Getting Involved

Jon seemed to be in all of my classes, as he followed me around the whole day. I could sometimes see him out of the corner of my eye smiling foolishly at me. I think he liked me, but I couldn't be too sure. Around the beginning of 6th period, someone knocked on Mrs. Gensley's classroom door in the middle of her literature class.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Gensley?" said Sophie Leanne Fitzgerald, a sophomore who I once worked with in the office. "Principal Pickette would like to see Amelia Larson." she said, looking for me around the class.

"Oh, she's right there," Mrs. Gensley said, pointing at me. The class was silent as I left the classroom. When I closed the classroom door behind me, I saw Jon indiscreetly stare at me, his head tilted in a gaze. My face flushed red as I followed Sophie Leanne to the office. We held a small conversation on our way. She asked me what happened and why I was being called down. I briefly told her the story, which she seemed to believe.

I opened the office door to find Principal Pickette sitting back calmly in his chair, thankfully. He greeted me with a warm smile, and I let out a sigh of relief. "Hello, Principal Pickette," I said with a slight smile as I sat down, hoping this would be a calm conversation. Sophie Leanne followed me in, but quickly took her stuff off of one desk and left, leaving me with an encouraging smile.

"Hello, Amelia, so would you like to tell your side of the story?"

"The whole story?" I gulped. He nodded his head, and I told him every detail of the story. When I finished, almost as if planned, Kassie walked into the office. Kassie glared at me with a devious smirk, sitting on the vacant seat next to mine. She was then asked to tell her part of the story. She over-exaggerated, lied, and twisted the story all around. I cast disbelieving glances at her once in a while, whenever she pulled another lie out of her.

By the time Kassie was done with her story, the smile had been erased from the Principal's face. "Well, girls. Frankly, I don't know what to do with you two." He sighed and began staring blankly at the entire room. "Well, girls," he spoke up again. "I'm going to ask you first, Amelia, then you, Kassandra. Were there any other people or witnesses involved?"

"Jen!" I blurted out. "Jen, my friend, is a witness. Kassie passed her stare my way. She gave me a dirty look I observed from the corner of my eye. I felt a smirk form on my face.

"Kassandra," Pickette said, "any others?"

"Uh," Kassie notably stuttered. "N-no, I guess not, sir."

"Okay, you are both free to leave. I will talk to your witness, Amelia, and will report to you girls on your punishment later." I jumped up from my chair and left to pack for the day. I had missed all of my other classes.

The school bell rang, and I headed towards the school doors with Jen. "Okay, Jen, you're my witness I chose, and what I tell you tonight, you will have to repeat word-for-word to Pickette. And try to make Kassie sound bad." We both smiled. Jen seemed honored to be called my witness. She was coming home with me today, so we could study our story to tell to Pickette at my house.

"Hello, girls," my mom said, smiling. Mother drove us home, and we did our homework first. Then, while she played with Pookie, we went over our story again and again(Along with some gossiping about Jonnifer and Kassie). At dinner, my mother decided to interrogate Jen, which Jen oddly didn't seem to mind. I think my mom liked Jen; she liked her much more than she liked Kassie. Kassie even told me later she liked my mom.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow!" I yelled to Jen by my front door.

"Yeah, thanks for having me over!" she smiled and waved. I closed the front door and sat on the black sofa in the living room.

"I really enjoy Jennifer. Nice young lady with proper manners," my mother sat next to me. "I have to tell you, I like her much more than I did Kassandra."

"Uh, her name's just Jen," I laughed. "But I like her a lot more than Kassandra too."
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Comment! Sorry it's taken so long to update. I've had loads of homework and friend problems =[ . Hope you liked this chapter!