Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles


In the middle of the night, I woke up in a cold sweat. I had sharp pains in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom with my stomach gurgling. I didn't feel well at all. I keeled over in pain. Must've been something I ate last night. I called for my mom from the bathroom, but accidently woke Pookie up too. He came trotting into the bathroom letting out small yips. He came over and tried to lick me, but I refused. The pain and gurgling in my stomach came back again.

"Go back to bed, Pookie. I'm fine," I lied. But he saw right through my lie and stayed by me. Then my mom came into the bathroom.

"You okay?" she asked. She was in her bathrobe rubbing her eyes.

"No, I don't feel well. Can you get me something?" I asked. She nodded her head and went off down the creaky hall. I was in the bathroom for half the night. I definately wasn't going to school today.

"102 temp," my mother said as she sat on the edge of my bed. It was six in the morning, and I was only feeling a little better. My mom gave me a small smile, kissed me on the forehead, and got up off my bed. "Up for eating anything?" The sickness came back to me. She took the hint and left.

Hmm, what can I do the whole day? Just sit in my bed? I could watch television. Eh, no. Wait! Oh, no! Today's the day Jen'll be called down by Pickette... and I won't be there! I let out a long sigh. But there was nothing I could do but wish for the best to happen.

Later in the day, after I had only eaten about two slices of bread, our doorbell echoed throughout the whole house. I perked up a bit. In a matter of minutes, Jen appeared in my doorway with a pile of my books.

"Jen!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! Here are your books. You feelin' better?" she said hurriedly.

"Uh, I guess. Thanks," I smiled.

"Hey, I don't have much time, but you'll never guess what!" Just then, a blast of long honks came from outside.

"What?" The honks were even more long and loud now.

"Kassie's expelled! I'll tell you tomorrow how. Don't call, text, e-mail, or IM me today; I'm grounded. Okay, bye! Feel better!" Jen yelled as she made her way out into the hallway and down the stairs.

I sat there in awe. How did Kassie get expelled? What did Jen say to Pickette to convince him? Why couldn't Jen explain it all to me now!? But I think the most important question here is why did Jen have to be grounded from all sources of communication TODAY?
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Here's another update!!! Enjoy, comment!

-xKaterGatorx =]