Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles


The next day, I felt a lot better and my temperature had gone down. Thank goodness I thought. I can finally get caught up with all of my homework again. I was just about to leave for school, but I couldn't find my pencilcase. I ran up to my desk and swung open the first drawer.

"Oh, there you are," I said to myself in my room. I picked up the pencilcase and put it in my backpack. I was then going to close the drawer, but I sat a piece of paper lying nestled next to my stapler at the bottom of my drawer. "What's this?" I picked up the sheet of paper and looked it over. I immediatley recognized it. It was the email I had printed out a few days ago. The fake letter of my expulsion that Kassandra probably sent me. I had completely forgotten about it untili now. Then, I heard a small car horn blast through the air from outside. I stuffed it in my backpack and ran downstairs. I could use it later if Pickette calls me in his office again.
"Jen!" I called out across the school yard. "Jen, get over here." Jen, who was wearing a very different outfit by the way, was standing by the big tree in the front of the school, talking to Sophie Leanne and another boy whom I didn't recognize.

She turned around and her face brightened, "Mia! Hey!"

I was still upset that Kassie's nickname for me had stuck. But I didn't let it show. "Uh, may I talk to you for a moment?" I glanced at Sophie Leanne and the boy, who were staring at me. "Alone?"

Jen nodded her head, "Sure." We walked over a few paces were no one was. "What up my store bought pastry?" She began to laugh, but stopped when she realized I wasn't joining her.

I pulled the email out of my backpack and showed it to her secretly. "Look at this." I explained to her about the day I printed it out, and how I suspected Kassie, and that we could use it against her. She completely agreed with me after she got over the shock.

Sure enough, in free period, I was called down to the office. I took the email from my pocket as I entered the office. I was shortly joined by Kassie and Jen. I smiled at Jen as she sat next to me. "Principal Pickette, if I may, I have something for you," I said, handing him the paper of my alleged expulsion. He read it over, looking confused.

"When did you get this, Amelia?"

"Monday morning, sir. Right after I received a phone call from someone I suppose was Kassie, telling me to check my email. I ignored the email and came to school. I had forgotten about it until today," I said, smirking at Kassie's ignorance. She thought that I wouldn't think of printing it out. How idiotic she is. I could only image the look on Kassie's face right now. She would have never of thought I would have brought that email back to blow it up in her face.

"Well, nevertheless, I have already made my decision," he dropped the paper back on the desk. "Kassie, I have talked with Amelia, Jennifer, and many other students involving this situation." Pickette said calmy. I wondered how he could stay so calm. He hadn't even come near to yelling at us even once. That's one thing that I admired about Principal Pickette.

"I have decided," he continued with a slight sigh. "that Kassandra will be expelled." I could hear Kassie scoff and she choked up her tears. "You had no reason to do that, and it was completely inappropriate. We have never had someone as to sneak into the office and steal grades!" This was the first time I heard Pickette yell. He went on lecturing Kassie, as we were dismissed and Kassie continued crying.

Jen and I didn't talk the rest of the day. For some reason, I still felt bad. My stomach lurched, but I knew I shouldn't be guilty. I mena, Kassie deserved that. Would this feeling go away?
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Store bought pastry. lol, like home skillet biscuit.... yeah... i know. lol.