Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

Unexpected Meeting

It's been about a month since Kassie's expulsion. No one else in the school brought it up again. School seemed to be dull now, but I'm not sure why. Did I miss the drama? No, it couldn't be that. Did I miss Kassie? Oh, no! Definitely NOT that! Then why am I so bored with school now? Jen and I haven't brought it up since the expulsion, the whole incident, I mean. I had somehow managed to keep this all from my mother. I didn't quite understand why Pickette didn't even think to involve my mother in this. You would think that if the situation could've concerned me getting expelled, Pickette would've involved my mother. But he didn't. So my mother was clueless, school was boring, and little was going on in my life now.

"So..." Jen sighed. We were sitting in the lunchroom on a chilly October morning. "Uh, wanna do something today?"

"Yes, it's Friday, why not?" I said. We both lightened up a little.

"So, what do you want to do? Just hang out, go shopping," then Jen put on a silly preppy face, "do makeovers?"

I tried to keep up the high spirits, so I made a preppy face and with a voice to go with it, "Eh meh gawsh! Yes!" We both laughed and planned out our afternoon at the mall. I had become more comfortable around Jen now, and I think that she did with me too.
When we got at the mall--my mother decided she would drive us--, we didn't know where to go first. I, myself, had always liked the food court best, but instead, Jen dragged me into Forever21. We picked out and bought (see author's notes before you click the link) full outfits. Jen helped me pick out mine. And by helped me, I mean that she grabbed stuff off the racks and shoved me in the dressing room.

"Oh my!!!" Jen shrieked. "I love that outfit!"

I smiled, "Uh, me too." We both went to get rung up, and left to Aeropostale and Hot Topic, Jen's choice. When we got a slice of pizza in the food court, my phone rang. "Hello?" I said. My mother's voice responded. I rolled my eyes I was having too much fun now, I didn't want to go. "Yes, Mom. Can we have a few-- Okay. Okay. Bye." I stared at Jen. "My mom's going to pick us up in 10 minutes." Jen scoffed but agreed.

We finished our food and walked into Claire's to kill some time. "Mia, let's go," Jen said quietly but urgently.

"Why?" I asked.

"Look who's at the counter!" I looked. It was Kassie. She was working at Claire's now? I did a double take at her. Kassie glanced over at me and recognized me. She looked like she was going to kill me. I didn't know what else to do, so I turned around and walked straight out the door. Jen and I headed to the front doors of the mall, walking fast and talking about Kassie. Who knew she'd be working at Claire's? We laughed at her as we jumped into my mother's car.

"Did you girl's have fun?" Mother asked.

"Oh yeah," Jen said. I just smiled. Now we know what Kassie's up to now-a-days. Now we knew where to find her. Now we knew that we could still bug her. This was the start of a whole new plan.
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Sorry my outfits turned out so small on the link. i didn't know how to fix it. But you can click on the link, and look on the right side of the page, where it says 'Items in the set'. Then you can see them bigger there. The outfit on the left was Jen's, and the outfit on the right was Amelia's. Sorry!