Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

A Second Plan

"Wow, for a person like Kassie to be working at Claire's? How'd she even get a job there after she was expelled?" Jen asked me while we talked on the phone that Friday night.

"I know right? Must've gotten lucky there, I guess," I replied.

"Ya know what? Wait, never mind. You wouldn't want to do it."

"Do what?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well," I could hear the evilness in Jen's voice, "I was just thinking." Jen tried to make her voice sound innocent. "We could totally get Kassie fired."

Doubtfully, I said, "How?"

"We could set her up, or frame her for stealing something."

"Okay, Jen, no. I've had enough sneaking around to last me for a while."

"Oh, puh-lease, Mia. When's the last time you did something as exciting as getting a brat fired from her first job? At Claire's, mind you." Jen laughed.

"Okay, yeah, you're right. But, I still don't really want to get involved in Kassie's life anymore." Even when I said this, I knew it was a downright lie. I wanted to get back at Kassie for framing me, for lying to me, for pretending to be my friend. I just wanted to get back at her though. Maybe I could do it just this once.


"Okay, I'm in," I replied. "What should we do, when, and how?"

Jen started to explain her plan, as if she had it memorized for weeks. Even though I really liked her plan, I told her that I wanted her to do the most of everything. I didn't want to get into any more trouble than I already was.

"So we'll do it tomorrow?" I asked.

"Tomorrow," Jen agreed.

"Let me try and say this without sounding stupid: Should we, like, wear... disguises? I mean, if this plan works, you know she'll see us and blame us. And you know I'm not a good lier."

"Okay, yeah. You have a point. We'll do that then. Crap, I gotta go. Mom's yelling at me for who knows what." I could hear screaming in the background. I held back a laugh.

"Alright, bye." And Jen hung up. Then I thought to myself, what to wear, what to wear. What do people wear undercover? Should I wear this top or that blouse? This skirt or those pants? Why did this have to be so much work? I might as well wear a ski mask. But finally, I found the right outfit. I'm not sure where I bought the hat and sweatshirt before, but it was at the back of my closet. But this way, I could put the hat on and keep the hood on. Hopefully she wouldn't recognize me then.

I went to bed late that night. Hopefully this would all turn out well, I thought. With some doubts about the plan still wandering my mind, I fell asleep, waiting for my plan tomorrow to start.
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Hopefully you guys liked this chapter!!! Thanks vikki, for giving me this idea for Kassie. Comments, questions, concerns????? lol.