Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

Where's Jen?

I panicked a bit, almost forgetting the plan completely. I calmed down, and gathered my thoughts again quickly. I could not mess this up for us. For Jen. For me! Out of the corner of my eye, I say Jen walking over to the counter with a confident type of swagger. At least she wasn't stressing out about this. As I took in a deep breath, I walked onward to the corner of the room where the body piercings were and where Jen had been standing. Just as planned, Jen picked out three of the most expensive piercings on the rack and had placed them on top. I grabbed the three and looked them over. Wow, that was a LOT of money. I heard talking going on over by the counter, but I couldn't quite make it out. But this was good. . . this was good. . . so far.

I walked the the other side of the store without trying to catch Kassie's eye. I just wanted to get this done and over with. I pretended to look at colored hair extensions until the moment was right.

I slipped over by the counter.

I glanced at Jen, but she didn't seem to notice me.

Perfect! Kassie's purse was resting on a stool right next to the counter.

Right next to me.

This was it.

I took the three piercings firmly in my hand, glanced around the almost-empty store, and slipped the piercings into Kassie's purse.

Woo-hoo! I did it! I did it... now I just have to get out of here. Oh, God, the guilt I feel right now. I tried on a few nearby sunglasses to make everything seem a bit more normal. Phew! I did it! I walked back towards the doors to the store. No one even took notice of me as I opened the door to the store. The bell from the door jingled softly. I was just about to slide out of the store when I heard,

"Hey, you!" Filled with fright, I turned around. My face went red. I tried to hide it. No use. I was caught. Then Jen spoke out again,

"You dropped your keys on the floor." I looked on the ground. "Just there," she said. Shakily, I picked up my keys and left the store. I couldn't help but smile. I walked straight to the movie theater. If all went well, I would be joined by Jen in a few moments. I changed back to my normal clothes in the bathroom. I waited. No Jen.

I waited some more.

I started sweating. Where was she? Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!!! What if she was caught? I walked out of the store, hoping she would be standing there waiting for me. Instead, I was greeted by a different sight.

Kassie was standing outside of Claire's, which was only just across from the movies, with some other girl. She was yelling at Kassie. But where was Jen? I moved on in closer to Kassie and the other girl. I strained my ears and heard just the faintest of the conversation. Just then, I noticed what the one other girl was holding.

She was holding Kassie's purse and shaking it in anger.

What was Kassie doing? Oh my gosh!!! Is she? She can't be... crying? Had I really done this to her?

"There is a strict policy here. If you're caught stealing, you are fired! No exceptions. I already had to make one exception by hiring you! No one else would've! With your grades, being expelled from your school! You had one chance, Kassadra, and you blew it! Give me your uniform!" the lady yelled. It must've been her manager. Kassie looked up and I could see her tear-stained face. "Now!" her manager yelled even louder. Kassie unbuttoned the work blouse she was wearing and handed it over. Figures, Kassie is still Kassie, as she was wearing a netted shirt underneath. I somehow felt glad. And guilty.

And with that, Kassie's manager went back inside the store with Kassie's work blouse with the last word in, "And to deny it. I expected better from you, Kassandra." Kassie turned and walked towards the parking lot.


That was really... scary. I caused all of that?

Then another thought popped into my head.

Where's Jen?
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