Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

Second Day

I looked at myself one last time in my bedroom mirror, not sure of how I felt about my outfit for the day. I decided to be as fancy as possible by adding a ring and dressy flats to the outfit. I wasn't even sure if I matched, but I headed out anyway. On the car ride to school, my mom noticed my different look.

"Why are you dressed like that, Amelia? Now that I don't like it, but you never really dress that way."

"Well, I met a girl, Kassie, and we both think that I should--" my mother cut me off while I was talking.

"You made a friend already? Good for you!" Her eyes lit up as she looked at me, as if she was so proud. "What were you saying about her now?" my mother added as we pulled up to my new high school.

"Never mind. Bye, mother." I said my goodbyes and headed towards the school for my second day. This time, people didn't stare as much, except for Kassie, who was proud of me for changing my style.

"Congrats! You learned how to dress yourself! A+!" she shouted.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I said as I looked her up and down. She had quite a crazy outfit for school.

"Hey, wanna go to the mall after school today? What are you're favorite shops?" Kassie asked. I told her I don't really got o the mall, but I'd ask my mother. We headed to our first class, to Language Arts, where Ms. Firth seemed nicer than most of the teachers. Our classes got even more boring by the period, and finally, it was the end of the day. Kassie and I passed notes throughout the day, and we became better friends as the time ticked away.

I ran out to my mom's car and asked if Kassie's mom could drive me home with her, and we could go shopping. Surprisingly, my mother said yes, and drove right back home. She seemed sort of upset I changed plans, but at the same time she seemed happy I made a friend. I joined back up with Kassie as we headed toward the mall; we worked on our homework in the car so we wouldn't have to do it later. Kassie's mom dropped us off at the mall after a while, and Kassie grabbed my hand and dragged me through the front entrance.

"Welcome to paradise!" she said. I smiled at her.

"Where do we go first?"

"Wherever your little heart desires," she laughed. We made our way into a small shoe store. She tried on funky high heels while I watched. She begged me to try something on, so I grabbed a pair of the nicest sneakers I could find.

We made our way throughout the whole mall, even though I wanted to leave. Kassie took me into strange and somewhat gothic stores. I finally had enough of it all. I took my cell phone out of my purse, and pretended to answer it.

"Hello? Okay, mother. Thanks for calling, bye," I pretended to hang up my phone and placed it back in my bag. "Kassie, that was my mother, and she said she's going to be at the mall in a couple minutes to pick me up."

"What?" she yelled, "That sucks. Well, let's start heading out then," we both walked back to where we came from, but luckily, Kassie wanted to stop at one more store. I told her I would wait outside while she shopped. I pulled my phone out again and called my mom to see if she could come get me. Thank goodness my mom could, or I would have been there all day with Kassie.
"Hi, mom," I said with a grateful face. "Can Kassie stay the night?" I asked. I had no problem hanging out with Kassie, I just didn't like the places she shopped at.

"Sure, Amelia. Hello, Kassie. Amelia has told me much about you," my mother said with a warm smile, even though I don't think she approved of Kassie's outfit. On the way to my house, Kassie looked uncomfortable being in the same car as my mother and I, not listening to the radio, along with the fact we didn't talk at all in the car. When we pulled up my driveway, Kassie's mouth dropped, and a smile formed on my face.

"This is your house? Holy sh--, I mean... wow," I couldn't help but smile at my mother's expression towards Kassie's choice of words.

"We'll be upstairs in my room if you need us, mother," I said as we made our way up the stairs.

"This is the best house ever!" she said as we entered my room, "Oh my gosh! You have the cutest dog ever!" she ran over to pick Pookie up, and I just sat down next to her.

"Okay, enough play time," Kassie said, putting my dog down. "Now it's time to raid your wardrobe," she said. I knew this wouldn't be good. After looking at some of my favorite outfits, she looked at me with an ashamed look.

"I like those clothes, to have you know!" I firmly stated.

Kassie sighed and said, "Don't worry, I'll lend you some of my clothes," she said, smiling at me. "Now, we'll have to work on your make-up too," she smiled even wider, but I gave her a look of doubt. "Fine, I'll make it subtle!"

"What's that, Mom?" I shouted, "Coming!" I ran out of my bedroom and down the stairs, with Kassie yelling at me closely behind. "Yes, Mom?" I asked as I approached my mom.

"Kassie, your mother is here to pick you up."

"Okay, thank you Ms. Larson," Kassie said, then turning her attention to me, "I'll bring my stuff tomorrow," she said as she left smiling. I waved goodbye to her as my mother closed the door behind her.

"What 'stuff', Amelia?" my mother asked, concerned. I shrugged my shoulders, shook my head, and laughed.
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kay. comments are appreciated!
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