Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

Our Story

"Well," I began, "first of all--"

"--Kassie's a liar!" Jen blurted out. But with the look the officer gave her, she fell back into her seat.

"First of all," I began again, "was the first day of school. I had met Kassie, and I actually thought she was nice, so I hung out with her. Then a few weeks later, she told me about her plan, yes, I repeat, her plan to release the one girl's grades over the whole school. And since I want to be honest here, I will admit I accepted her idea after much hesitation." I could see my mother give me a horrified look out of the corner of my eye. I went on, guilt spreading over me, "I did it out of peer pressure, wanting to fit in, and--"

"--Sorry, miss, but," the officer looked to Jen," where do you come into the story?"

"Very soon officer, very soon," Jen replied smoothly.

"Anyway, we went on with the plan. Kassie snuck into the office during my few hours of student aide. I work in the office some days as service hours for my school. So Kassie snuck in, took the grades, and left. I still feel bad about it now," I added honestly. "Then, the same day the one girl's grades were passed out, the principal pulled me into his office and asked me if I knew who did it. I honestly replied that is was Kassie. Eventually, as Kassie has said, it all resulted in her expulsion."

Jen now spoke. "I met Amelia within the middle of all of this, right before the grades were spread out to the school. I supported her and told her to stand her ground, and tell the truth. And she did just that."

The officer now looked at us, "Yes, I could see why you two would want to get back at Kassie, but also, at the same time, I understand that you wouldn't even want to get involved with her anymore. It could go both ways."

"But," Kassie stuttered. "What if--"

"But," the officer interrupted her, "they have already confessed. Jen and Amelia already confessed they framed you from stealing.

"Oh," Kassie replied, taken aback. Then she quickly straightened up. "I knew it, I told you all it was them."

"Yeah, thanks for clarifying that," Jen muttered under her breath.

My mother spoke up, though I did not dare look at her. "Amelia? Is, is that true? All of it? No, you didn't. Why didn't you tell me?" I then looked up at her. Unshed tears sparkled in her hazel eyes. She opened her mouth to speak again, but closed it again. She frowned at me as she turned her head and closed her eyes, shaking her head slowly. I could tell she was ashamed of me.

Why didn't I tell her? It probably would've made things easier.

"Does that mean I get my job back?" Kassie asked eagerly.

"Yes," the officer replied.

"What will happen to our daughters?" Jen's mother asked.

"Well, the other officer and I have talked, along with Kassie's boss, and we're just not sure. We thought we could take a look at your records, and decide the seriousness of the situation, and we can get back to all later about the consequences. But until then, you two are not allowed back into the mall. And if we catch you in here, the consequences will be worsened." No one spoke.

Then the officer spoke again, "You are all free to go." I heard Jen's and my parents' words of thanks to the officer as we all left the room. Everyone was silent as we walked to our own cars.

My mother and I were now in her car. She just sat there, silent. she made no move as to wanting to start the car. I turned to my mother and said sincerely, "I'm sorry." I was surprised she didn't kick me out of the car and tell me to walk home. Instead, she put the key in the ignition and drove off without another word.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Big sigh* Tireeeeddd.
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