Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles


It was getting late when I finally came downstairs from my room. I found my mom pouring herself some coffee. I wasn't sure what to say at this very moment, so I just walked over to her. She took a quick look at me as she headed to the table. I sat down with her. She looked at me, obviously expecting me to start the conversation.

"I'm sorry."

"How long has this been going on? Why didn't you ever tell me?" She seemed oddly calm.

"A while. I thought that..." Wait, what did I think? Why didn't I tell her? "I guess it never occurred to me to tell you. I thought I could handle my own problems."

"Well, you could've always used help." God, I felt stupid now. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"Well, it pretty much started with the first day of school." I talked to my mom the rest of the night about what I had been hiding from her the past few months. As corny as it sounds, we had a truly genuine mother-daughter talk. I told her everything. She was shocked, and at times she was mad, but I'm glad we all talked it out.

As I lay in my bed that night, I thought about what the officers would have us do? Would I get sent to jail? Would Kassie have a big influence in our punishment? Oh gosh, she's going to make the consequences ten times worse. The only thing I could do was wait for the answer.
I woke up to the house phone ringing. My heart starting beating really fast as I heard my mother's voice carry up the stairs and into my bedroom.

"Hello? Yes, this is she......Okay..... I completely understand....Alright, I'll tell her. Thank you, officer." I heard her hang up the phone. I sat afraid, frozen in my bed. "Amelia, down here, now!"

I ran as fast as I could down the stairs. "What? What? What did the officer say?" I demanded of her.

My mother found sudden interest in the floor. I waited for her to say something. What did the dude say? How did Kassie plan to ruin my life this time? Come on, Mom! I waited for her to respond.

She looked up at me and said, "They let you off the hook. Kassie said everything was okay. No hard feelings." She smiled at me. "Isn't that great?" She laughed.

I would have joined in her excitement if it weren't for the curiosity and wonder building up inside me. No hard feelings? Kassie said that? No. No, no, no, no, no. Something's not right there. My mom started looking strangely at me, so I just smiled at her.

"Really? Kassie said that?" I asked her.

"Yeah! Why aren't you excited?"

Well, I might as well just go with it. Don't question it, just love it. "I am! I'm so excited! I just can't believe Kassie let me off the hook. Maybe she has changed."

Just then, the phone rang. It was Jen. The police officers must've called her already too. Jen didn't seem as surprised as I was. She was probably just so excited she wasn't going to jail. I couldn't believe our luck.
Monday, back at school. Jen and I tried to look out for any sign of Kassie, but she wasn't anywhere in sight. Inbetween classes, I asked a junior, Zoey, if she knew where Kassie was.

"You haven't heard? She transferred school."

I narrowed my eyes skeptically at her. "No... She didn't."

"Yeah, sent in a note to the principal yesterday. My mom works in the office as a secretary. I should be one to know. But hey, I got to go. See ya, Mia!"

"Yeah.. see ya." Wow. She's gone. This all seems too good to be true. When I told Jen 2nd period, she said she already heard it in 1st hour.

I never thought I would've gotten rid of Kassie, but now, she's gone.

For real.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I kept you guys hanging for about 2 months. BUT HERE IT IS! sorry. =[ forgive me? God, I think this chapter is such a disappointment. I know it's really crappy. To tell the truth, I'm kinda sick of this story, and I didn't know what to do w/ it. Thanks, though, vikki, for helping me w/ ideas. =] the next chapter will probably be the last. =\ Comment though, pleasy please. thanks for reading.
