Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

Third Day

I sat down at the table to eat dinner with my mother.

"So, Mom, do you like Kassie?" I was a little afraid to hear her answer.

"Well, she's... different, but in a good way," my mother paused and looked at me. "Are you sure she won't be a bad influence on you? It just seems that she would be."

"No, mom. She's a good person. She's a good student, too. I know she may not dress like me, but she's a good, honest person. I'm sort of hurt that you would say that."

"I'm sorry, honey. I guess I should stop making first impressions," she said. I was shocked my mom said that. Usually she would fight me on things like this; she had always wanted me to have good friends. The rest of the day was quiet, except for when I came downstairs to say good night to her.

"So, is everything alright, Mom? We haven't spoken since dinner," I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Amelia. why do you ask?"

"We just haven't-- never mind. Good night, Mom," I said, walking back up the stairs. I finally fell asleep late at night, and I still didn't hear my mother go into her bedroom, but I couldn't worry about her anymore. If she doesn't like my friends, then she doesn't like my friends.
Beep Beep Beep! Beep Beep Be--

I once again dragged myself out of my bed and downstairs to eat breakfast. My mother seemed happier than the night before, so that made me feel a bit better. I headed upstairs after eating, and decided to dress the way I wanted to. I felt much better with the outfit I had on, and it seemed to make my mom happy, too. My mother and I once again pulled up to my school, and I headed of to my first class with Ms. Firth, then to science with Mr. Ramer, and in third period was Mrs. Gensley's literature class, and to finish the morning was history with some teacher I keep forgetting the name of. Throughout the whole morning, Kassie didn't talk to me. She kept giving me dirty looks and avoided me at lunch. I sat with a girl named Jen instead.

"Hey, Jen? Do you know why Kassie's mad at me?" I asked.

"You started a rumor about her!"

I was shocked, "I said nothing about her! I came to school and she was mad at me. What rumor is going around?"

"I haven't heard any particular things, but I know there's a rumor going around," Jen stuttered. I was so confused. I told Jen that I'd talk to her later, and I got up to go sit with Kassie. I couldn't find her in the lunchroom though.

"Jen, do you know where Kassie is?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and said she thinks she went home 'sick'. I sat down again next to Jen, and called Kassie's cell phone from my phone.

"Mia?" Kassie immediately answered the phone.

"Hey, how are you? Feel like talking about anything that happened?" I asked, trying to get answers from her.

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm in the lunchroom sitting next to Jen."

"Then call me after school and I'll tell you everything then. Okay?"

"Well, alright. Bye," I said. She hung up shortly after. I dreaded the rest of the day; I just wanted to get home and call to see what was going on with her. Finally, the school day was over, and I got to go home. I didn't tell my mom anything, I just didn't want her to get upset over anything again. When I was home, I ran up to my room and called Kassie again.

"Okay, Mia? Are you alone?" she answered quickly again.

"Yes, now please tell me what happened?"

"Alright, it started this morning when I came to school. Before you came, a bunch of guys came over to me and they asked me about something you said to them."

"I don't talk to any of the guys at school!" I was now aggravated, and wanted to know what happened.

"Well, I didn't know that before. They said that you told them I get bad grades or something. And at the time, I was really mad about it, because I really believed you told them that about me," she said.

"I thought you didn't get bad grades, and I would never tell anyone even if you did! So why did you go home sick at lunch?"

"I was sitting with Tara, and she told me that there was no rumor about my grades, but she did know who make up a rumor about something else."

"Okay, so there was no bad grade rumor, and the guys were messing with you? But there is another rumor going around? Who started it and what is it?"

TO BE CONTINUED IN CHAPTER 4. (duh duh duhhhh!)
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Cliffhanger! ooh! tell me if you like my story! comment! all comments are accepted!

i know, this chapter might be confusing[ i even got confused myself writing it]: The guys at the school were messing with Kassie by saying Mia[amelia] started a rumor about her bad grades. truth is, that rumor wasn't true[of course]. BUT there is a different rumor going around, one that we will find out in chapter 4. okay? yay!